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Councilmember Arkin called for a future discussion of not having LIHF fees in certain circumstances. <br /> Director Clark clarified this would be part of the IZO discussion. <br /> Councilmember Arkin agreed with everything in the Housing Commission's LIHF recommendation. She <br /> called for a future update on the fee schedule to get closer to the maximum levels. She echoed <br /> Councilmember Testa's call to reduce the number of services able to draw into UHF fees. <br /> Councilmember Balch agreed with the Planning Commission to make the fees proportional to house <br /> size. He advised there should also be a smaller fee for units designed small specifically for affordability. <br /> Councilmember Narum agreed with the Planning Commission and stated the Housing Element should <br /> acknowledge the City Council is reevaluating the UHF. She advised that in-lieu fees are rarely collected <br /> on small projects. She cited Lund Ranch as an area where affordable housing did not make sense for <br /> being so far from public transportation. She advised the City needs to maintain some flexibility on the <br /> LIHF uses, noting the City used LIHF funds to turn 30-year affordable units into perpetuity. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Councilmember Narum confirmed she is happy to have a policy <br /> discussion on permissible LIHF uses another time. <br /> Mayor Brown noted the funds are spent in several ways, including Tri-Valley Resources, Education, <br /> Activities, Community Participation, and Housing (REACH). She agreed with the varying fees based <br /> upon size. She expressed support for this being a future discussion topic. <br /> Councilmember Narum stated she could not support the changes in UHF spending options. <br /> Mayor Brown stated they all agreed on the $100,000 down payment assistance grants and those do not <br /> build anything. <br /> Councilmember Narum commended the City's donation to Goodness Village. <br /> Councilmember Testa agreed with these two projects but questioned if the UHF was the ideal source of <br /> funding. She stated the UHF fees should create brick and mortar buildings. <br /> Councilmember Balch clarified the City Council votes on how to use the fund and can vote no to any <br /> expenditure from the fund. He advised maintaining existing affordable housing with the UHF is much <br /> cheaper than creating new stock. He called for maintaining the flexibility of use for the LIHF as the staff <br /> has recommended. <br /> Councilmember Narum and Mayor Brown agreed. <br /> Director of Community Development Clark clarified staff is asking about what things should be pursued <br /> in the Housing Element. She advised the City Council can always have a future discussion either in a <br /> general sense or about a specific project. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Councilmember Testa denied a friendly amendment to remove <br /> the Housing Commission's recommendation from her motion. She stated they are not making policy <br /> tonight but rather just calling for future discussion. <br /> Councilmember Balch made a substitute motion to approve staff and the Planning Commission's <br /> recommendations. Councilmember Narum seconded the substitute motion. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 12 of 22 March 15, 2022 <br />