Motion to table.This motion,if passed,requires discussion of the Motion to close nominations.When choosing officers of the
<br />agenda item to be halted and the agenda item to be placed on"hold." body(such as the chair),nominations are in order either from a
<br />The motion can contain a specific time in which the item can come nominating committee or from the floor of the body.A motion to
<br />back to the body."I move we table this item until our regular meeting close nominations effectively cuts off the right of the minority to
<br />in October."Or the motion can contain no specific time for the nominate officers and it requires a two-thirds vote to pass.
<br />return of the item,in which case a motion to take the item off the
<br />Motion to object to the consideration of a question.Normally,suchtableandbringitbacktothebodywillhavetobetakenatafuture
<br />a motion is unnecessary since the objectionable item can be tabled or
<br />meeting.A motion to table an item(or to bring it back to the body) defeated straight up.However,when members of a body do not evenearequiressimplemajorityvote.q P want an item on the agenda to be considered,then such a motion is
<br />Motion to limit debate.The most common form of this motion is to in order.It is not debatable,and it requires a two-thirds vote to pass.
<br />say,"t move the previous question"or"I move the question"or"I call
<br />Motion to suspend the rules.This motion is debatable,but requiresthequestion"or sometimes someone simply shouts out"question"
<br />a two-thirds vote to pass.If the body has its own rules of order,As a practical matter,when a member calls out one of these phrases,
<br />conduct or procedure,this motion allows the body to suspend thethechaircanexpeditemattersbytreatingitasa"request"rather
<br />rules for a particular purpose.For example,the body(a private club)than as a formal motion.The chair can simply inquire of the body, might have a rule prohibiting the attendance at meetings by non-club
<br />any further discussion?"If no one wishes to have further discussion,
<br />members.A motion to suspend the rules would be in order to allow
<br />then the chair can go right to the pending motion that is on the floor.
<br />a non-club member to attend a meeting of the club on a particularHowever,if even one person wishes to discuss the pending motion
<br />date or on a particular agenda item.
<br />further,then at that point,the chair should treat the call for the
<br />question"as a formal motion,and proceed to it.
<br />When a member of the body makes such a motion("I move the
<br />Counting Votes
<br />previous question"),the member is really saying:"I've had enough The matter of counting votes starts simple,but can become
<br />debate.Let's get on with the vote."When such a motion is made,the
<br />complicated.
<br />chair should ask for a second,stop debate,and vote on the motion to Usually,it's pretty easy to determine whether a particular motion
<br />limit debate.The motion to limit debate requires a two-thirds vote of passed or whether it was defeated.If a simple majority vote is needed
<br />the body. to pass a motion,then one vote more than 50 percent of the body is
<br />NOTE:A motion to limit debate could include a time limit.For required.For example,in a five-member body,if the vote is three in
<br />favor and two opposed,the motion passes.If it is two in favor and
<br />example:"I move we limit debate on this agenda item to 15 minutes."
<br />three opposed,the motion is defeated.Even in this format,the motion to limit debate requires a two-
<br />thirds vote of the body.A similar motion is a motion to object to If a two-thirds majority vote is needed to pass a motion,then how
<br />consideration of an item.This motion is not debatable,and if passed, many affirmative votes are required?The simple rule of thumb is to
<br />precludes the body from even considering an item on the agenda.It count the"no"votes and double that count to determine how many
<br />also requires a two-thirds vote. yes"votes are needed to pass a particular motion.For example,in
<br />a seven-member body,if two members vote"no"then the"yes"vote
<br />Majority and Super Majority Votes of at least four members is required to achieve a two-thirds majority
<br />vote to pass the motion.
<br />In a democracy,a simple majority vote determines a question.A tie
<br />vote means the motion fails.So in a seven-member body,a vote of What about tie votes?In the event of a tie,the motion always fails since
<br />4-3 passes the motion.A vote of 3-3 with one abstention means the an affirmative vote is required to pass any motion.For example,in a
<br />motion fails.If one member is absent and the vote is 3-3,the motion five-member body,if the vote is two in favor and two opposed,with
<br />still fails. one member absent,the motion is defeated.
<br />All motions require a simple majority,but there are a few exceptions. Vote counting starts to become complicated when members
<br />The exceptions come up when the body is taking an action which vote"abstain"or in the case of a written ballot,cast a blank(or
<br />effectively cuts off the ability of a minority of the body to take an unreadable)ballot.Do these votes count,and if so,how does one
<br />action or discuss an item.These extraordinary motions require a count them?The starting point is always to check the statutes.
<br />two-thirds majority(a super majority)to pass: In California,for example,for an action of a board of supervisors to
<br />Motion to limit debate.Whether a member says,"I move the be valid and binding,the action must be approved by a majority of the
<br />previous question,"or"I move the question,"or"I call the question," board.(California Government Code Section 25005.)Typically,this
<br />or"I move to limit debate,"it all amounts to an attempt to cut off the means three of the five members of the board must vote affirmatively
<br />ability of the minority to discuss an item,and it requires a two-thirds in favor of the action.A vote of 2-1 would not be sufficient.A vote of
<br />vote to pass. 3-0 with two abstentions would be sufficient.In general law cities in
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