<br />The rules of procedure at meetings should be simple enough for Establishing a Quorum
<br />most people to understand.Unfortunately,that has not always been The starting point for a meeting is the establishment of a quorum.
<br />the case.Virtually all dubs,associations,boards,councils and bodies A quorum is defined as the minimum number of members of the
<br />follow a set of rules—Robert's Rules of Order—which are embodied body who must be present at a meeting for business to be legally
<br />in a small,but complex,book.Virtually no one I know has actually transacted.The default rule is that a quorum is one more than half
<br />read this book cover to cover.Worse yet,the book was written for the body.For example,in a five-member body a quorum is three.
<br />another time and for another purpose.If one is chairing or running When the body has three members present,it can legally transact
<br />a parliament,then Robert's Rules of Order is a dandy and quite useful business.If the body has less than a quorum of members present,it
<br />handbook for procedure in that complex setting.On the other hand, cannot legally transact business.And even if the body has a quorum
<br />if one is running a meeting of say,a five-member body with a few to begin the meeting,the body can lose the quorum during the
<br />members of the public in attendance,a simplified version of the rules meeting when a member departs(or even when a member leaves the
<br />of parliamentary procedure is in order. dais).When that occurs the body loses its ability to transact business
<br />until and unless a quorum is reestablished.
<br />Hence,the birth of Rosenberg's Rules of Order.
<br />What follows is my version of the rules of parliamentary procedure, The default rule,identified above,however,gives way to a specific
<br />rule of the body that establishes a quorum.For example,the rules ofbasedonmydecadesofexperiencechairingmeetingsinstateand
<br />local government.These rules have been simplified for the smaller a particular five member body may indicate that a quorum is four
<br />bodies we chair or in which we participate,slimmed down for the members for that particular body.The body must follow the rules it
<br />has
<br />21st Century,yet retaining the basic tenets of order to which we have established for its quorum.In the absence of such a specific rule,
<br />grown accustomed.Interestingly enough,Rosenberg's Rules has found the quorum is one more than half the members of the body.
<br />a welcoming audience.Hundreds of cities,counties,special districts,
<br />committees,boards,commissions,neighborhood associations and The Role of the Chair
<br />private corporations and companies have adopted Rosenberg's Rules While all members of the body should know and understand the
<br />in lieu of Robert's Rules because they have found them practical, rules of parliamentary procedure,it is the chair of the body who is
<br />logical,simple,easy to learn and user friendly. charged with applying the rules of conduct of the meeting.The chair
<br />This treatise on modern parliamentary procedure is built on a
<br />should be well versed in those rules.For all intents and purposes,the
<br />foundation supported by the following four pillars: chair makes the final ruling on the rules every time the chair states an
<br />action.In fact,all decisions by the chair are final unless overruled by
<br />1. Rules should establish order.The first purpose of rules of the body itself.
<br />parliamentary procedure is to establish a framework for the
<br />Since the chair runs the conduct of the meeting,it is usual courtesyorderlyconductofmeetings.
<br />for the chair to play a less active role in the debate and discussion
<br />2. Rules should be dear.Simple rules lead to wider understanding than other members of the body.This does not mean that the chair
<br />and participation.Complex rules create two classes:those should not participate in the debate or discussion.To the contrary,as
<br />who understand and participate;and those who do not fully a member of the body,the chair has the full right to participate in the
<br />understand and do not fully participate. debate,discussion and decision-making of the body.What the chair
<br />3. Rules should be user friendly.That is,the rules must be simple should do,however,is strive to be the last to speak at the discussion
<br />enough that the public is invited into the body and feels that it and debate stage.The chair should not make or second a motion
<br />has participated in the process. unless the chair is convinced that no other member of the body will
<br />do so at that point in time.
<br />4. Rules should enforce the will of the majority while protecting
<br />the rights of the minority.The ultimate purpose of rules of
<br />procedure is to encourage discussion and to facilitate decision The Basic Format for an Agenda Item Discussion
<br />making by the body.In a democracy,majority rules.The rules Formal meetings normally have a written,often published agenda.
<br />must enable the majority to express itself and fashion a result,Informal meetings may have only an oral or understood agenda.In
<br />while permitting the minority to also express itself,but not either case,the meeting is governed by the agenda and the agenda
<br />dominate,while fully participating in the process. constitutes the body's agreed-upon roadmap for the meeting.Each
<br />agenda item can be handled by the chair in the following basic
<br />format:
<br />2