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GRANTOR: VALLEY BOLE CHURCH APN: 941-1311-35-2 <br /> PROJECT: JoHmsm DRive ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONE PROJECT <br /> CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF PERMANENT EASEMENT AND TEMPORARY <br /> CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT <br /> In consideration of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement for Purchase of a <br /> Permanent Easement and Temporary Construction Easement CAgr+eement"), Valley Bible <br /> Church of ffo Christian Brethren,Inc.a California Non-Profit Religious Corporation(`GRANTOR*) <br /> hereby grants and delivers this Agreement to the City of Pleasanton ("CITY") conveying a <br /> Permanent Easement and Temporary Condmctlon Easement as set forth herein. <br /> This Agreement Is based on the following facts: <br /> A. GRANTOR owns Property located in the City of Pleasanton; <br /> B. CITY wishes to construct a Project on Grantor's Property and will require a permanent <br /> i <br /> easement and a temporary construction easement over a portion of the Property. <br /> Now,therefore, the Parties agree: <br /> 1. Definitions. In this Agreement: <br /> City means the City of Pleasanton,a political subdivision of the State Of California, and its <br /> exerted and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents, contractors, and volunteers. + <br /> P%ject means the CrI Y's Johnson,Drive.Economic Development Zone Project. <br /> Grantor means Valley Bibi* Church of the Christian Brethren, Inc., a Callfornla Non- <br /> Profit Rallgious Corparadom E <br /> Property means the parcels)owned by GRANTOR on which the permanent easement and <br /> temporary construction easement are located, identified in Attachment 1 (Legal � <br /> Description). <br /> Permanent Easement+mans the area of the Property to be acquired by the CITY as a <br /> permanent easement as described in Attachment 2, inch its Exhibits A and B. <br /> TCE or the TCE Area means the Temporary Construction Easement, described in <br /> Attachment 3 Including its Exhibits A and B. <br /> Escrow or Escrow Account mom the escrow account established by the CITY at First <br /> American Title Company, 920 5"'Avenue,Suites 1200, Seattle,WA 88104,Order <br /> No.NCS-935017-WA1 <br /> 2. Permanent Easement Deed. GRANTOR shag deposit In Escrow a ftmanent Easement <br /> Deed sufteMe for recordation conveying the Easement from GRANTOR to CtTY.The Easement <br /> must be free and clear of all Ile ns, Was".encumbrances, recorded or unrecorded, <br /> assessrnents and taxes,except for any exceptlans to titles identified in the title report which are s <br /> acceptable to CITY. CITY has reviewed the title report and confirms all current esxception$are <br /> acceptable to CITY. The form of the Easement Deed shag be substantially as set forth in j <br /> Attachment 2,including Its Exhibits A(Legal Description)and B(mart Map), <br /> 3. Purchase. <br /> A. Co ftration. CITY shag pay the sum of One Hundred Thirteen Thousand and no/100 <br /> Dollars($113,000.00)to the Escrow Account as consideration for the Easement and TCE. <br /> Pape f of 6 <br />