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GRANTOR: T.P.HERITAGE INN AND S.S.HERITAGE INN AM $41-1300-14 AND 941-1300-15 <br /> PROJECT: ,1OHNSON DRivE ECONowe DEVELOPMENT ZONE PROJECT <br /> The parties have executed this Agreement as of the date signed by the CITY. <br /> CITY OF PLEASANTON: GRANTOR: <br /> By: By: <br /> T. . Heritage inn of Pleasanton,LLC, <br /> a Nevada limited liability company <br /> Date: Its: mus <br /> Date: /;Z0-.1! <br /> Y. <br /> S: . Herltag nn of Pleasanton,UC, <br /> a Nevada limited liability company <br /> P <br /> ws: l <br /> kDate: <br /> Approved as to Legal Form: <br /> By: <br /> F <br /> i <br /> Attachments: <br /> 1. Property Legal Description <br /> 2. Grant Deeds(2), including its Exhibits A and B <br /> 3. Easement Deeds(2), including its Exhibits A-arid B <br /> 4. Temporary Construction Easement Exhibits A and A-1 and B and B-1 <br /> Piyr 6 W t <br />