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arerrrom: 7194 JOHNOW Dave HoLomm LLC APN: 941-1311422-1 <br /> PRoAcr Jorp M DRwm Ecomomc 0rAmarum Zone PST <br /> E. j,dsdkSon and Venue. This Agreement shell be governed by and constructed in <br /> accordance with the lawn of tte SWe of Caftmia. The parties consent to the Jurisdiction of <br /> the California courts with venue in the County of AlarnWa. <br /> F. CoyDemfion. Each party agrees to cooperate with the other in the closing of flus <br /> transaction arid,in that mood,to sip any argil all docamnerb which may be masonathly <br /> necessary, helpful,or appropriate to carry out the purposee and kftt of Agreement <br /> including, Out not knited to,releases or adciitiorrat agresentents,at no material od or liability <br /> to such party. <br /> G. Wahw mW Mlogiftefion Any waiver,modiketion,conmtt or acquiescence with <br /> respect th any provision of this Agresrnsnt shall be set north In writing and duty executed by <br /> or on beethalf of the party to be Gourd thereby. No waiver by any party of any breach <br /> hereunder*M be deemed a waiver of any other or subsequent breech. <br /> H. Nodome. Any notice that either party may or is required to gime to oltw shall be in writing, <br /> i <br /> and shad be either personally delivered or sat by regular U.S.Mall,to the tDowkhp addresses: � <br /> To GRANTOR: To CITY. <br /> do Neem Ent!erprias City of Plessantan EnginewhV Depwbnent <br /> 101 Ygnac io Valley Road P.O.Box 520 <br /> Sum 450 Pleasanton,CA 94SW4)802 <br /> Hl WmA Creek,CA "M Attn:Steve Kirkpatrick, Domtar of Engineering! <br /> Attn:Tony Perin, President City Engineer <br /> 1. Severabillty t any term or provision of this Agreanent shall,to any ardent,be held invalid <br /> or urhehforreabls, this remainder of this Agreement shah not be affectsd, iso long as the <br /> economic or legal substance of the transacttow contanpiated hereby as not a fteted In any <br /> manner adveree to either party. Upon such dstenwhatim that any term or provision Is Moo <br /> or incapable of being er>foresd, the parties her shay negofte in good Wh to modify this <br /> Agneern at so as to affect the original intent of the parties as closely as possible in an <br /> acceptable marrxter to the end that transactions cronternplated hereby are fulfilled to the <br /> greatest extent passible. <br /> J. Corambon. Section hemlings we solely for the coo warderwe of the parties and ars not <br /> a part of and stab not be used to Inlwpret this Agreement. The srnrAw fen"shall include the <br /> plural and vice versa. This Agreement snail not be construed ae 9 4 had been prepared by <br /> one of ft parties, W ralho as p'both parties have prepared R. Unless otherwise W!fficrrted, <br /> all references to Sections are to this Agreement <br /> 18 p ok~on ft AAbwftpW] I <br /> i. <br />