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copies of the materials to the City Clerk for distribution to the City Council at its <br /> meeting when the item is considered. <br /> 11.7.3 Special Meetings and Workshops <br /> For special meetings and workshops, the City Clerk shall specify the instructions <br /> and timeframes for the public to submit comments and materials in the agenda for <br /> those meetings. <br /> 12. City Council Deliberation <br /> City Council deliberations shall be orderly and guided by the Mayor to reach a decision <br /> on the item before them or to provide the direction sought by staff. <br /> Once an item is before the City Council for deliberation, the Mayor shall call upon each <br /> individual Councilmember present, in turn, to comment on the item. Councilmembers <br /> shall not interrupt any other Councilmember that is speaking. After each Councilmember <br /> has had the opportunity to comment on the item, the Mayor shall invite a motion. <br /> 13. Motions <br /> 13.1 Making a Motion <br /> The Mayor may recognize a Councilmember for the purposes of making a motion. <br /> However, a motion may be made by any Councilmember as well as by the Mayor.8 Once <br /> a motion has been made, the Mayor will solicit a second. A motion shall die unless it <br /> receives a second. If a motion receives a second, the Mayor shall then invite debate and <br /> discussion on the motion and any amendments. <br /> Any Councilmember who makes a motion may withdraw it during debate and discussion, <br /> even to the point of interrupting a speaker to do so. If the motion is so withdrawn, the <br /> Mayor may ask the Councilmember who had seconded the motion if that Councilmember <br /> wishes to make the motion, subject to another Councilmember's second. <br /> 13.2 Motions <br /> See Rosenberg's Rules of Order pages 3 and 4 for types of motions, amendments, <br /> substitutes, multiple motions, and debate. <br /> 13.3 Miscellaneous Motions, Reviews and Appeals <br /> 13.3.1 Motion to Suspend the Rules of Procedure <br /> A motion to suspend these Rules of Procedure is debatable and to the extent <br /> possible should be addressed to a specific rule. If the Rules of Procedure are <br /> 8 See Rosenberg's Rules of Order pg. 3. <br /> 21 <br />