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Employees assigned as paramedics may only change assignments with other employees assigned as <br /> paramedics. Mutuals shall be considered trades between the employees involved. Only one mutual <br /> between parties will be allowed for the specific period of time. Members will not be allowed to participate <br /> in more than one mutual at a time. <br /> Assignments properly bid will be permanent unless openings occur. All openings will be bid <br /> department wide using the department policy. In the event a station opens or closes,or there is <br /> a change in the deployment model,all affected personnel shall have the ability to re-bid following <br /> the department policy. <br /> The Fire Chief,and/or designee,may administratively reassign shift/station assignments which result in a <br /> displacement for up to 20 shifts per occurrence to meet Department needs. This shall not apply to <br /> probationary employees or to administrative moves not resulting in displacement of another employee. <br /> Section 7. Overtime <br /> 7.1 Payment <br /> An employee who is assigned to work after completion of his/her regular shift or who is assigned to work <br /> to fill a shift or portion thereof outside his/her regular duty shift,shall be entitled to overtime compensation <br /> for all hours so worked,provided,however,that the overtime payment shall be computed at one and one- <br /> half(1-1/2)times the employee's 24-hour rate of pay in 15-minute increments as follows: <br /> Overtime Worked Paid As <br /> 1 through 15 minutes 15 minutes <br /> 16 through 30 minutes 30 minutes <br /> 31 through 45 minutes 45 minutes <br /> 46 through 60 minutes 60 minutes <br /> 61 through 75 minutes 75 minutes <br /> etc. <br /> An employee assigned to work outside his/her regular shift to attend a meeting or participate in training <br /> shall be entitled to overtime compensation for all hours so worked,provided,however,that the overtime <br /> payment shall be computed at one and one-half(I-1/2)times the employee's eight hour rate of pay in <br /> fifteen(15)minute increments as set forth in the previous table. <br /> Strike team overtime compensation shall be at the 24 hour overtime rate for all of the time spent on the <br /> Strike Team assignment. <br /> An employee held over past the completion of his/her shift due to a trade will be compensated for overtime <br /> at that employee's overtime rate. <br /> to <br />