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City of Pleasanton Article 5. Collection Services <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 73 June 7, 2022 <br />B. Removal of Material from Illegal Disposal Sites. The Contractor may, but is not required to, 2594 <br />separate or recover Organic Waste that City removes from encampments and illegal disposal sites 2595 <br />as part of an abatement activity to protect public health and safety. Contractor shall report the 2596 <br />amount of Discarded Materials removed for Disposal from encampments and illegal disposal sites, 2597 <br />in accordance with Section 6.3. 2598 <br />C. Quarantined Waste. If approved by the City, the Contractor may Dispose of, rather than Process, 2599 <br />specific types of Organic Materials and/or Recyclable Materials that are subject to quarantine and 2600 <br />meet the requirements described in 14 CCR Section 18984.13(d) for a period of time specified by 2601 <br />the City or until the City provides notice that the quarantine has been removed and directs 2602 <br />Contractor to Transport the materials to the Approved Facilities for such material. 2603 <br /> In accordance with Section 6.3, the Contractor shall maintain records and submit reports regarding 2604 <br />compliance agreements for quarantined Organic Materials and Recyclable Materials that are 2605 <br />Disposed of pursuant to this subsection. 2606 <br />5.24 Contamination Monitoring. 2607 <br />5.24.1 Annual Route Reviews and Notification 2608 <br />A. Methodology. 2609 <br />1. The Contractor shall, at its sole expense, conduct route reviews of Containers for Prohibited 2610 <br />Container Contaminants in a manner that meets the requirements of this Section; is approved 2611 <br />by the City; and results in all routes being reviewed at least annually. Contractor shall 2612 <br />complete the annual Route review process in two hundred (200) working hours, for a total 2613 <br />cost of no more than $37,178 in Rate Period Five (July 1, 2023). After Rate Period Five (July 1, 2614 <br />2023), the route review cost shall be adjusted on an annual basis by one (1) plus the Annual 2615 <br />Percentage Change in the CPI-W. 2616 <br />2. The Contractor’s route review shall include all Container types in service (Recyclable 2617 <br />Materials, Organic Materials, and Solid Waste Containers) for all Customer types. On each 2618 <br />route, the minimum number of Containers to be sampled shall be based on weekly route size, 2619 <br />as follows: 2620 <br />a. For weekly routes with less than 1,500 Generators, Contractor shall sample a 2621 <br />minimum of 25 Containers. 2622 <br />b. For weekly routes with 1,500 to 3,999 Generators, Contractor shall sample a 2623 <br />minimum of 30 Containers. 2624 <br />c. For weekly routes with 4,000 to 6,999 Generators, Contractor shall sample a 2625 <br />minimum of 35 Containers. 2626 <br />d. For weekly routes with 7,000 or more Generators, Contractor shall sample a minimum 2627 <br />of 40 Containers. 2628 <br /> The Containers shall be randomly selected prior to beginning the route review through use of 2629 <br />a random number generator, or another method approved by the City. Upon City request, the 2630 <br />Contractor shall prioritize inspections of Customers that are more likely to be out of 2631 <br />compliance as identified by the Contractor, City, or the City’s designee. 2632