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City of Pleasanton Exhibit H: Index-Based Rate Adjustment Mechanism <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page H-7 June 7, 2022 <br />4. RATE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR <br />The Rate Adjustment Factor shall equal the Total Calculated Costs for the coming Rate Period divided by <br />the Total Calculated Costs for the then-current Rate Period, which shall be rounded to the nearest <br />thousandth. <br />5. ADJUSTMENT OF RATES <br />Each then-current Rate shall be multiplied by the Rate Adjustment Factor to calculate the effective Rate <br />for the coming Rate Period. The adjustment to each Rate shall be rounded to the nearest cent. <br />6. POSSIBLE CARRY FORWARD OF RATE ADJUSTMENTS ABOVE SIX PERCENT <br />(6%) <br />If Rates for the coming Rate Period (expressed in dollars) exceed Rates for the current Rate Period by <br />more than six percent (6%), calculated as provided below, then City may elect to defer (carry forward) the <br />excess to the subsequent Rate Period in accordance with this Section. <br />The City’s deferral right shall apply only to increases in Rates resulting from application of the <br />methodology set forth in this Exhibit H. <br />Total Calculated Costs for a given Rate Period, adjusted as necessary to comply with the foregoing <br />requirements, shall be referred to herein as “Adjusted Total Calculated Costs.” Adjusted Total Calculated <br />Costs for a given Rate Period includes any Cap Carry Forward from the previous Rate Period. <br />In each of its applications to establish Rates, Contractor shall include its calculation of: (A) Adjusted Total <br />Calculated Costs for the coming Rate Period , (B) Adjusted Total Calculated Costs for the current Rate <br />Period, (C) the difference between the two (calculation: C = A - B), and (D) the amount, if any, by which <br />such difference exceeds six percent (6%) of Adjusted Total Calculated Costs for the current Rate Period <br />(calculation: D = C - (B x 0.06)) (the “Potential Cap Carry Forward”). If the calculation of the Potential Cap <br />Carry Forward results in a negative value, the Potential Cap Carry Forward shall equal zero. <br />The City may elect to carry forward any amount provided that the amount is less than or equal to the <br />Potential Cap Carry Forward. If City elects to defer some or all of the Potential Cap Carry Forward, then: <br />A. Adjusted Total Calculated Costs for the coming Rate Period shall be deemed reduced by such <br />amount; and, <br />B. Adjusted Total Calculated Costs for the subsequent Rate Period shall be increased by such amount <br />(which shall be the “Cap Carry Forward” in the Rate adjustment process for such subsequent Rate <br />Period). <br />City shall not defer any amounts in the final Rate Period of the Term. All amounts that were carried <br />forward shall be reflected in the Cost-Based Rate Adjustment for Rate Period Seven (subject to the <br />provisions of Exhibit I), so that no Cap Carry Forward is calculated or applied for recovery beyond the final <br />Rate Period of the Term. <br />If the amount of the Potential Cap Carry Forward is greater than ten percent (10%) of Adjusted Total <br />Calculated Costs for the current Rate Period, the Parties shall meet and confer to discuss the City’s plan