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Pleasanton Garbage Service, Inc.Reconciliation of RFP Costs to Rate ModelRFP Response Dated March 2, 2018ML 3/2/18RFPExpensesBudget Diesel Vehicle Op Ratio Solid Waste SW Transfer Recyclable Organics Roll Off Interest CNG Other Vehicle Lease Fees Rate App Landfill Other Rate Subject toDescription FY 6/30/19 Labor Fuel DMV Other New Legacy Profit Disposal Transport Processing Processing Belt Proc(CD) Expense Fuel-C Interco Maint Expense Franchise Fee Maint Adjustments Reserve Total Operating Ratio Payroll - Existing Routemen 2,303,545 2,303,545 2,303,545 2,303,545 Payroll - Com Rec/Organic Roll Out Routemen 286,049 286,049 286,049 286,049 Payroll - Bulky Clean Up Route 286,049 286,049 286,049 286,049 Payroll - Compost Giveaway 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 Payroll - Admin 1,276,124 1,276,124 1,276,124 1,276,124 Payroll - Owners 730,000 730,000 730,000 730,000 Payroll - Transfer Station 1,573,761 1,573,761 1,573,761 1,573,761 SEP Pension Plan178,994 178,994 178,994 178,994 Diversion Coordinator 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 Dumping Cost - Vasco Road - Existing 4,067,476 4,067,476 4,067,476 Dumping Cost - Vasco Road - Bulky 149,517 149,517 149,517 Rent Expense - Transfer Station (MM) 260,732 260,732 260,732 Rent Expense - Southfront 36,520 36,520 36,520 Rent Expense - Kiewit M&M 43,947 43,947 43,947 Insurance 691,587 691,587 691,587 691,587 Depreciation Expense - Legacy Assets - - - - Depreciation Expense - Com Rec/Organic Roll Out 130,216 130,216 130,216 130,216 Depreciation Expense - Acquisitions from 4/1/17 to 6/30/18 187,023 187,023 187,023 187,023 Depreciation Expense - New Hybrid/CIS/Truck&Container Replace795,000 795,000 795,000 795,000 Depreciation Expense - Bulky Clean Up 52,428 52,428 52,428 52,428 Depreciation Expense - Used Oil Collection 1,304 1,304 1,304 1,304 Recycling Subsidy - CARI 1,005,624 1,005,624 1,005,624 Operating Supplies 39,334 39,334 39,334 39,334 R&M - Computers (Outside Vendors) 28,009 28,009 28,009 28,009 Interest Expense - Stockholders 31,464 31,464 31,464 Interest Expense - Legacy Assets118,796 118,796 118,796 Interest Expense - New Hybrid/CIS/Replacement Truck& Containers415,388 415,388 415,388 Interest Expense - Bulky Clean Up 27,394 27,394 27,394 Interest Expense - Used Oil Collection 681 681 681 Employee Benefits - Union 1,146,400 1,146,400 1,146,400 1,146,400 Employee Benefits - Nonunion 646,423 646,423 646,423 646,423 Postage 30,091 30,091 30,091 30,091 Office Expense 272,637 272,637 272,637 272,637 Fuel & Oil - Existing Diesel 423,069 423,069 423,069 423,069 Fuel & Oil - Existing CNG 185,102 185,102 185,102 Fuel & Oil - Com Rec / Organic Roll Out 42,224 42,224 42,224 Fuel & Oil - Bulky Clean Up 42,224 42,224 42,224 Legal & Accounting503,708 503,708 503,708 503,708 Payroll Taxes - PGS 344,774 344,774 344,774 344,774 Payroll Taxes - M&M 125,901 125,901 125,901 125,901 Licenses - DMV 48,727 48,727 48,727 48,727 Property Taxes-PGS85,404 85,404 85,404 85,404 Property Taxes-CARI 8,210 8,210 8,210 - Other Taxes & Fees 58,074 58,074 58,074 58,074 Uniforms / Janitorial 47,292 47,292 47,292 47,292 Utilities - Other 77,350 77,350 77,350 77,350 Utilities - Transfer Station 85,117 85,117 85,117 56,745 Utilities - CARI Belt 28,372 28,372 28,372 28,372 Advertising 15,589 15,589 15,589 15,589 Equipment Rent 5,761 5,761 5,761 Dues & Subscriptions 16,018 16,018 16,018 16,018 Miscellaneous Expense 56,808 56,808 56,808 56,808 Meals & Entertainment 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 R&M - Other Existing (Outside Vendors) 111,910 111,910 111,910 111,910 R&M Other - New CIS 87,500 87,500 87,500 87,500 R&M PT&E - Existing 2,460,052 2,460,052 2,460,052 R&M PT&E Existing - Recyclable Processing 142,551 142,551 142,551 R&M PT&E Existing - Transfer Station 360,881 360,881 360,881 R&M PT&E - Commercial Recycling/Organic Roll Out 49,500 49,500 49,500 R&M PT&E - Bulky Clean Up 115,341 115,341 115,341 R&M - PT&E - Used Oil Collection 1,434 1,434 1,434 Toilet Rent - R&RR 18,780 18,780 18,780 Hauling - R&RR - Existing Solid Waste 1,525,243 1,525,243 1,525,243 Hauling - R&RR - Bulky Clean Up 56,065 56,065 56,065 Hauling - Commercial Organics Program Roll Out 367,312 367,312 367,312 Hauling - R&RR - Compost Giveaway 7,118 7,118 7,118 Provision For Bad Debts 14,892 14,892 14,892 14,892 Bad Debt Expense 23,551 23,551 23,551 23,551 Diversion Cost - CARI53,532 53,532 53,532 Handling Cost - CARI89,845 89,845 89,845 Grinding GW FW - R&RR 437,172 437,172 437,172 GW FW Dump Haul 674,504 674,504 674,504 C&D Processing - R&RR 174,870 174,870 174,870 Public Education / Outreach 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Performance Bond 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 City Consultants Cost 80,000 80,000 80,000 Used Oil Collection Bags and Jugs 4,285 4,285 4,285 Compost Purchase 3,804 3,804 3,804 3,804 Compost Bags 100 100 100 100 Landfill Closure / R&M 132,882 132,882 132,882 Reimbursement for Equip Useage (RRR) (11,561) (11,561) (11,561) (11,561) Rental Income (18,600) (18,600) (18,600) G&A Support Revenue from CARI(83,420) (83,420) (83,420) Interest Income (179) (179) (179) RRR Cardboard Sales Revenue (177,420) (177,420) (177,420) State Curbside Revenue (51,491) (51,491) (51,491) #####Operating Ratio Profit 1,446,011 1,446,011 1,446,011 4.00%Franchise Fee 1,133,671 1,133,671 1,133,671 Legacy Depreciation Reserve Credit- - - Post December 31, 2014 Rate Reserve ActivityUnrecovered Reserve Deficits as of 6/30/18- - - Rate Reserve Credit Offset- - - 0.50%Franchise Fee funded by Prepaid Rate Reserve Credit(141,709) (141,709) (141,709) Total 28,341,764 8,954,120 423,069 48,727 2,422,213 1,165,971 - 1,446,011 4,216,993 1,581,309 1,332,419 1,478,988 174,870 593,723 269,550 418,934 2,575,393 365,740 1,133,671 80,000 132,882 (331,110) (141,709) 28,341,764 13,014,100 13,014,100 1,446,011 4,216,993 1,581,309 2,986,277 593,723 3,263,877 365,740 1,133,671 80,000 (141,709) 28,341,764 Profit SW Dist SW Trans Int Expense Lease Fran Fee Rate Ap Fee Rate Res TotalHFH Rate Model AllocationHFH Forms Allocation Depreciation (198,228) Cost of OperationsNet Mat Proc Cost Other Related Party Expenses Other Adjustments Page 24 of 24