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City of Pleasanton Exhibit E: Schedule of Performance Adjustments (Liquidated Damages) <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page E-5 June 7, 2022 <br />51 Failure to maintain accurate and complete <br />information on Contractor’s dedicated webpage <br />for Pleasanton: <br />$150.00/ day <br />52 Failure to conduct any of the SB 1383 public <br />education requirements of Section 5.17.7: <br />$300/occurrence <br />Miscellaneous <br />53 Failure to perform any of the obligations set <br />forth in this Agreement not specifically stated <br />above and not corrected or proceeding in good <br />faith to correct within twenty-four (24) hours <br />upon twenty-four (24) hour notification by City: <br />$150.00/ for each <br />* Any report shall be considered late until such time as a correct and complete report is <br />received by City. For each calendar day a report is late, the daily Performance <br />Adjustment shall be as indicated in the Reporting and Performance Adjustment section <br />above. <br /> <br />In placing Designee’s initials at the places provided, each Party specifically confirms the accuracy of the <br />statements made above and the fact that each Party has had ample opportunity to consult with legal <br />counsel and obtain an explanation of Liquidated Damage provisions of the time that the Agreement was <br />made. <br /> <br />Contractor City <br /> <br />Initial Here: Initial Here: