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City of Pleasanton Article 12. Other Agreements of the Parties <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 129 June 7, 2022 <br />d. Unlawful disposal of Hazardous Waste or Designated Waste the occurrence of which 4631 <br />any of Contractor Party knew or should have known; or 4632 <br />e. Violation of antitrust laws, including laws relating to price-fixing, bid-rigging, and 4633 <br />sales and market allocation, and of unfair and anti-competitive trade practices laws, 4634 <br />including with respect to inflation of Solid Waste Collection, Transportation, 4635 <br />Processing fees, or Disposal Fees; or 4636 <br />f. Violation of securities laws; or 4637 <br />g. Felonies. 4638 <br />2. Pleas. Entry of a plea of “guilty,” “nolo contendere,” or “no contest” by a Contracting Party 4639 <br />based on acts taken in their or its official capacity on behalf of Contractor with respect to the 4640 <br />conduct described in preceding subdivision one (1) of this Section. 4641 <br />12.16.2 Notice 4642 <br />Contactor shall notify City in writing within five (5) calendar days of occurrence of any Criminal Activity. 4643 <br />12.16.3 Contractor’s Cure 4644 <br />Upon occurrence of any Criminal Activity, Contractor shall immediately do or cause to be done all of the 4645 <br />following: 4646 <br />A. Terminate from employment or remove from office any offending individual Contractor Party, 4647 <br />unless otherwise directed or ordered by a court or regulatory agency of competent jurisdiction or 4648 <br />authority, and unless that termination would constitute a breach of any labor agreement entered 4649 <br />into by Contractor, and, 4650 <br />B. Eliminate participation by any individual offending Contractor Party in any management, 4651 <br />supervision, or decision activity that affects or could affect, directly or indirectly, the performance 4652 <br />of the Contractor under this Agreement. 4653 <br />12.16.4 Transfer and Hiring 4654 <br />Contractor shall not allow or cause to be allowed the hire or transfer of any individual Contractor Party 4655 <br />from any parent or subsidiary company or business entity of Contractor who has committed Criminal 4656 <br />Activity for a position as a Contractor representative, field supervisor, officer, or director who is directly 4657 <br />or indirectly responsible for performance of this Agreement without obtaining prior written consent of 4658 <br />City, following full disclosure to City of the facts and circumstances surrounding such Criminal Activity. 4659 <br />12.16.5 City’s Remedy 4660 <br />City, in its sole discretion, may terminate the Agreement upon thirty (30) calendar days written notice to 4661 <br />Contractor, or may impose other sanctions (which may include financial sanctions, temporary suspensions 4662 <br />or any other condition deemed appropriate short of termination) as it will deem proper, in the following 4663 <br />events: 4664