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City of Pleasanton Article 12. Other Agreements of the Parties <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 124 June 7, 2022 <br />B. Contractor shall pay the City a transfer assignment right fee equal to two hundred fifty thousand 4445 <br />dollars ($250,000). This payment shall be due no later than five (5) calendar days before final closing 4446 <br />of the assignment but if paid and the assignment shall not be completed, it shall be refunded to the 4447 <br />Contractor. If there shall be an escrow-type arrangement with an escrow agent, financial institution, 4448 <br />or other third party in connection with the assignment and the documentation thereof and payment 4449 <br />of the purchase price to Contractor in consideration of the assignment by the assignee, then a 4450 <br />payment of this amount by Contractor to the escrow agent or institution who is instructed to pay it 4451 <br />over to the City upon closing of the assignment, then such payment shall be considered as compliant 4452 <br />with this subsection. 4453 <br />C. Contractor shall furnish City with audited financial statements of the proposed assignee's 4454 <br />operations for the immediately preceding three (3) operating years. 4455 <br />D. Contractor shall furnish City with proof satisfactory to City: (i) that the proposed assignee has at 4456 <br />least five (5) years of Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Materials management 4457 <br />experience on a scale equal to or exceeding the scale of operations conducted by Contractor under 4458 <br />this Agreement; (ii) that in the last five (5) years, the proposed assignee has not suffered any 4459 <br />significant citations or other censure from any federal, State or local agency having jurisdiction over 4460 <br />its Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Materials management operations which are 4461 <br />materially greater than those suffered by similar companies engaged in Solid Waste, Recyclable 4462 <br />Materials, and Organic Materials management operations due to any significant failure to comply 4463 <br />with State, federal or local Applicable Law and that the assignee has provided City with a complete 4464 <br />list of any such citations and censures; (iii) that the proposed assignee has at all times conducted its 4465 <br />operations in an environmentally safe and conscientious fashion as compared with similar 4466 <br />companies engaged in Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Materials management 4467 <br />operations; (iv) that the proposed assignee conducts its Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and 4468 <br />Organic Materials management practices in accordance with sound management practices in full 4469 <br />compliance with all federal, State and local laws regulating the handling of Solid Waste, Recyclable 4470 <br />Materials, and Organic Materials including Hazardous Substances, and; (v) proposed assignee(s) 4471 <br />financial resources are sufficient to ensure ability to meet all of Contractor’s obligations under this 4472 <br />Agreement. 4473 <br />E. Contractor shall furnish the City with any other information required by City to ensure the proposed 4474 <br />assignee can fulfill the terms of this Agreement in a timely, safe, and effective manner. 4475 <br />Under no circumstances shall City be obliged to consider any proposed assignment if Contractor is in 4476 <br />default at any time during the period of consideration. Should City consent to any assignment request, 4477 <br />such assignment shall not take effect until all conditions relating to City’s approval have been met. 4478 <br />12.5.2 Requirements of the Proposed Assignee 4479 <br />In approving an assignment, City may require that the proposed assignee agree to one or more of the 4480 <br />following: 4481 <br />A. Reasonable increases in the insurance limits, or modifications in the insurance requirements 4482 <br />contained in Section 9.5. 4483