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City of Pleasanton Article 7. City Fees <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 100 June 7, 2022 <br />7.5 Other Fees 3595 <br />The City shall reserve the right to set other fees, as it deems necessary subject to City Council approval. 3596 <br />The time and method of payment and adjustment process will be set as specified in Sections 7.6 and 7.7. 3597 <br />Any such new fees shall be pass-through costs. 3598 <br />7.6 Procedures for Monthly Submittal of Fees 3599 <br />On or before the twentieth (20th) day of each month during the Term of this Agreement, Contractor shall 3600 <br />remit to City the fees due in accordance with this Section. If the fees are not paid on or before the 3601 <br />twentieth (20th) day of any month, Contractor shall pay in addition to the amount owed to City a late 3602 <br />payment penalty in an amount equal to two percent (2%) of the amount owing for that month. Contractor 3603 <br />shall pay an additional two percent (2%) owing on any unpaid balance for each following thirty (30) 3604 <br />calendar day period the fee remains unpaid. Late payment penalty amounts shall not be reimbursed to 3605 <br />Contractor. The late payment penalty amounts are not intended as interest on debt, but rather are 3606 <br />intended as a predetermined penalty for failure to meet an obligation under this Agreement. 3607 <br />Each monthly remittance to City shall be accompanied by a statement detailing Gross Rate Revenues for 3608 <br />the period covered from all operations conducted or permitted pursuant to this Agreement. This monthly 3609 <br />statement shall identify billed revenues and actual Gross Rate Revenues received listed separately for 3610 <br />Single-Family, Multi-Family, Commercial, and Drop Box Customers. In addition, Contractor shall maintain 3611 <br />copies of all Billing and collection records for five (5) years, following the expiration or earlier termination 3612 <br />of this Agreement, for inspection and verification by City at any reasonable time upon request. 3613 <br />7.7 Adjustment to Fees 3614 <br />The City may set other fees or payments or adjust the fees and payments established in this Article 7 from 3615 <br />time-to-time during the Term of this Agreement and, except for the adjustments described in the next 3616 <br />paragraph (which shall be included in the adjustment of Rates as described in Exhibit H and Exhibit I), all 3617 <br />such new fees or payments and all such adjustments shall result in automatic adjustments in Rates so as 3618 <br />to eliminate, to the maximum extent possible, Contractor’s increase or decrease in costs resulting from 3619 <br />the new fees or payments or adjustments from the date(s) such new fees or payments or adjustments 3620 <br />first took effect. 3621 <br />The amounts of the AB 939/AB 341 Fee, Vehicle Impact Mitigation Fee, Illegal Dumping Fee, GHG/Carbon 3622 <br />Emissions Fee, and Rate Review and Performance Review Fee for Rate Periods subsequent to Rate Period 3623 <br />One shall be adjusted annually by one plus the Annual Percentage Change in the CPI-U using the 3624 <br />adjustment method described in Exhibit H and Exhibit I, or shall be the amount specified by the City. 3625