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construction costs were increasing, staff applied for and received a grant toward the <br />Stoneridge Drive and 1-680 On -Ramp project from the Alameda County Transportation <br />Commission (ACTC) in the amount of $5,200,000. City Council accepted the grant in <br />2021 and allocated the grant funds to CIP No. 18531, increasing the total budget in CIP <br />No. 18531 to $11,585,568. <br />With the proposed Amendment One to the Agreement, based on the Final Cost <br />Estimate the total CIP budget amount needed for direct reimbursement of the <br />Stoneridge Drive and 1-680 Project at the completion of the project is $11.6 million, <br />leaving a shortfall of $14,432 in CIP No. 18531. Since the Final Cost Estimate includes <br />a 10 percent construction contingency staff is not recommending a budget adjustment <br />to CIP No. 18531 at this time. <br />CIP No. 21596 JDEDZ ROW and Misc. with a budget of $1.8 million was created in <br />2020 to fund the purchase of the right-of-way needed for the JDEDZ Street <br />Improvements. In September 2021 City Council approved a purchase agreement in the <br />amount of $1,027,239 for the land needed from DSRSD, leaving a balance of <br />$772,761.17 available in CIP No. 21596. <br />The six purchase agreements recommended for approval with this agenda report total <br />$1,321,317, including title insurance and escrow fees. However, the purchase <br />agreement with TP Heritage Inn LLC, the company constructing two hotels on Johnson <br />Drive, states the $594,788 payment for the right-of-way needed along its property <br />frontage will be in the form of a fee credit applied to its City permit fees. With the fee <br />credit payment to TP Heritage Inn, the balance needed for payment on the other five <br />purchase agreements is $726,529 which is available in CIP No. 21596. It is <br />recommended that City Council approve the six purchase agreements and authorize the <br />City Manager to execute the agreements. Assuming the City Council approves the six <br />purchase agreements, the balance remaining in CIP No. 21596 will be $46,233. <br />As stated previously staff will continue efforts to acquire the right-of-way needed from <br />the two remaining properties on Johnson Drive to complete the sidewalk and <br />landscaped parkway. The Final Cost Estimate of $2,581,788 to acquire all the right-of- <br />way needed for the JDEDZ Street Improvements includes an estimated cost of <br />$230,000 total for these two properties. If staff is successful in negotiating purchase <br />agreements with these property owners for the estimated total cost of $230,000, the <br />shortfall in CIP No. 21596 will be $183,767. However, no budget adjustment is <br />recommended at this time. If staff is successful in finalizing one or both purchase <br />agreements, the agreement(s) will be presented to City Council for approval at a future <br />City Council meeting along with a recommended fund allocation to CIP No. 21596 <br />necessary to complete the transactions. <br />Expected Loan and Payback Period <br />As shown in the table on page 8 of this report, based on the Final Cost Estimate the <br />total loan from Costco to the City to complete the traffic mitigation measures for the <br />JDEDZ Project is $10,806,698. The Agreement requires the City to repay this loan <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />