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Kier + Wright Civil Engineers & Surveyors, Inc and Mark Thomas for the Johnson Drive <br />Economic Development Zone traffic mitigation improvements. <br />Construction Bidding and Final Cost Estimate <br />The format of the advertised bid package for the improvement plans coordinates closely <br />with JDEDZ Project CEQA documentation and the Agreement. While bid as one project, <br />the advertised bid package divided the work into the five traffic mitigation measures <br />identified in the JDEDZ Project CEQA documentation, with each of the five mitigation <br />measures assigned to one of two projects as discussed in the Agreement: <br />Stoneridge Drive and 1-680 Project: <br />a. Measure 4.D -1d, Stoneridge Drive and 1-680 on-ramp widening — Caltrans <br />ROW <br />2. JDEDZ Street Improvements: <br />a. Measure 4.D -1a, Commerce Drive at Johnson Drive Signal <br />b. Measure 4.D -lb, Johnson Drive at Owens Drive (North) Signal <br />c. Measure 4.D-3, Johnson Drive Widening <br />d. Measure 4.D -1c, Johnson Drive at Stoneridge Drive Intersection <br />The bid package required each bidder to submit a price for each of the five traffic <br />mitigation measures and defined the winning bid as the bid with the lowest total of the <br />five prices submitted. Arranging the bid package in this way was consistent with how the <br />Planning Level Estimate was prepared and is therefore also consistent with how the <br />reimbursement provisions are written within the Agreement. <br />Four bids were received on April 29, 2022, all from local contractors well known in the <br />industry for performing the type of work required on this project. The difference between <br />the lowest three bidders is relatively small. Due to the small differential between the <br />three lowest bidders, City staff and Costco are confident the lowest bid represents a <br />competitive and realistic cost to construct the JDEDZ traffic mitigation measures. The <br />lowest bidder has been determined to be responsive to the requirements of the bid <br />package, and capable by both experience and financial position to accomplish the work. <br />Attachment 3 shows all four bids received. <br />As stated previously, the low construction bid of $19,713,669.70 is only one component <br />of the $32,488,077 Final Cost Estimate (Attachment 2). Since the Final Cost Estimate <br />includes a contingency equal to 10 percent of the low construction bid, it should be <br />considered a conservative cost estimate. It represents the expected upper limit of the <br />total project cost. Barring something far beyond the ordinary for public works <br />construction projects, the final Cost Certification (required by Section 3.10 of the <br />Agreement at the completion of construction) should not exceed the Final Cost <br />Estimate. <br />Finally, Costco has hired Cumming Group to track all expenditures related to the project <br />to comply with Section 3.10 of the Agreement. Cumming Group has provided City staff <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />