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the Required Right of Way following its submittal of costs to Costco, Costco shall pay the City <br />fifty percent (50%) of such expenditures. <br />Section 3.10 Cost Certifications. Within six (6) months following the City's <br />acceptance of the Project Improvements, Costco shall submit to the City, in a form reasonably <br />acceptable to the City, for the City's review and approval, three (3) cost certifications (each a <br />"Cost Certification"): (1) a Cost Certification for the Stoneridge Drive and I-680 Project, <br />including a statement of any unreimbursed costs paid by Costco in connection with that project, <br />and (2) a Cost Certification of for JDEDZ Street Improvements. The City shall review the Cost <br />Certifications and shall approve or disapprove the Cost Certifications within forty-five (45) days <br />of receipt. If the City disapproves any item of the Cost Certifications, the City shall allow the <br />undisputed costs, and the City and Costco shall negotiate in good faith to resolve the disapproved <br />items. In the event the City and Costco cannot agree on any item of the Cost Certifications, the City <br />and Costco shall submit the item for final determination by a mutually agreed upon independent <br />third -party auditor (the "Auditor"). The costs of the audit shall be shared equally by the City and <br />Costco and shall not constitute a reimbursable expense for Costco. In the event the Auditor's <br />determination of the disputed item changes a Cost Certification, then the City and Costco shall <br />meet, in good faith, to reconcile the pertinent Cost Certification. The approved Cost <br />Certifications shall constitute the basis for the determination of Costco Construction Costs and <br />Cost Overruns, respectively. <br />Section 3.11 Completion of Project linprovements. No certificate of occupancy will be <br />issued by the City for the Costco Store prior to the substantial completion of the Project <br />Improvements as determined by the City Engineer. <br />ARTICLE 4. <br />COSTCO REIMBURSEMENT <br />Section 4.1 Payment of Stoneridge Drive and I-680 Proiect Costs. Costco shall be <br />responsible for advancing all design and construction costs for the development of the Project <br />Improvements. Reimbursement ofJDEDZ Street improvement costs and up to Seven Hundred <br />Ten Thousand Dollars ($710,000) for costs related to the Stoneridge Drive and i-680 Project <br />shall be reimbursed to Costco pursuant to Section 4.2. The City shall make the following <br />payments to Costco in the amounts and times specified, up to a maximum amount Six Million <br />Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,400,000), for costs related to the Stoneridge Drive and 1- <br />680 Project: <br />(a) Nine Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($960,000) upon the City <br />Engineer's acceptance of the completed improvement plans and specifications for the Stoneridge <br />Drive and 1-630 Project; <br />(b) One Million Nine Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($1,920,000) upon <br />Costco's certification, and the City Engineer's verification, that the Stoneridge Drive and 1-680 <br />Project is thirty-five percent (35%) complete; <br />9 <br />1310 0I \3218870.9 <br />2+70)18 <br />