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Exhibit A— Scope of Work <br /> Background <br /> The City owns and operates a sewer collection system consisting of more than 250 miles of 4- <br /> inch through 42-inch sewer piping, 8 siphon locations, and 11 pump stations. The average daily <br /> flow is 6.5 million gallons per day. Collected wastewater is treated by the Dublin San Ramon <br /> Services District's (DSRSD)wastewater treatment plant, except for the Ruby Hill neighborhood, <br /> which is treated by the City of Livermore's wastewater treatment plant. Both treatment plants <br /> dispose of the treated wastewater not used for recycled water via the Livermore-Amador Valley <br /> Water Management Agency(LAVWMA). <br /> The City is an enrolled agency under the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)Order <br /> No. 2006-00003-DWG(Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer <br /> Systems) and Order No. WQ 2013-0058-EXEC (Monitoring and Reporting Program), herein <br /> referred to as WDR. As a requirement of the WDR, the City must maintain a Sanitary Sewer <br /> Management Plan(SSMP)and perform internal audits of the SSMP to assess the current state of <br /> the sewer program and compliance with WDR provisions. The City's last audit covered the <br /> period of FYI 8/19 and 19/20 and found that although sewer system overflows were few and of <br /> small volume,the development of a more formal operations and maintenance(O&M)program <br /> was recommended to improve compliance with the WDR. Based on the recommendations of the <br /> last SSMP audit, the City is pursuing the development of a formal O&M program to support the <br /> sanitary sewer system. The SWRCB is currently in the process of issuing a new WDR with an <br /> estimated effective date of late 2022. It is the City's goal that the O&M program improvements <br /> are not only implemented to comply with the current WDR more fully,but also better position <br /> the City to address future WDR requirements when they become effective. <br /> Scope <br /> The consultant shall develop a formal O&M program to support the City's sanitary sewer system <br /> as summarized below and further detailed in the not-to-exceed compensation table. <br /> Task 1 —Current O&M Program Understanding: The consultant shall review existing <br /> information related to the sewer program to understand its status. <br /> Task 2—Develop Future O&M Program: The consultant shall develop the framework and <br /> procedures for a formal O&M program including establishing O&M related goals and <br /> performance indicators; developing cleaning and condition assessment procedures for gravity <br /> piping,manholes, and siphons; developing a bad spot program; updating pump station <br /> maintenance checklists; developing a sewer pipe Fats, Oils, and Grease(FOG) and blockage <br /> control program; and recommend preliminary staffing levels and vehicle/equipment needs to <br /> support the program. The developed framework and procedures shall be documented in a Sewer <br /> O&M Program Report. <br /> Task 3 —Develop Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) and Standard Operating Procedures <br /> (SOPS)—The consultant shall develop an overflow emergency response plan that is compliant <br /> with the WDR and shall develop emergency response plans for each pump station in the event of <br /> a utility power outage. The consultant shall also determine the core competency requirements <br />