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applied to individuals at fee schedule rates for new or additional scope of services not <br /> currently defined in the scope of work and not to exceed fee limits. <br /> 10. Workshops and Zoom meetings will be scheduled to accommodate City staff work schedules <br /> and needs. City to be responsible to coordinate dates and times with staff for all workshops <br /> and Zoom meetings. <br /> 11. All electronic meetings will be conducted by Zoom or other platform used by the City. <br /> 12. All project management meetings will be conducted by Zoom or other approved electronic <br /> conferencing format. <br /> 13. Unused hours in any Task or Subtask will be available across tasks, subject to approval by the <br /> City's project manager. <br /> 14. The staff provided by the City will have the technical knowledge, expertise, and/or written <br /> materials necessary for DKF to make technically correct evaluations. <br /> 15. The City will provide staff subject matter experts for all SOP development to work with the <br /> DKF SOP developers. <br /> 16. City to be responsible for copying and circulation of all workshop PowerPoint presentations <br /> and handouts. <br /> 17. City shall be responsible for defining the Water of the United States in the City service area <br /> for use in the OERP and WQMPs.. <br /> 18. Consultants are providing their best professional judgement as to the development and <br /> compliance of the new sewer operations and maintenance program and are not providing legal <br /> assurance of compliance with regulations and requirements on the sewer program. City shall <br /> be responsible for legal review and compliance of the final program and documents with State <br /> and Federal requirements. <br />