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ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 22- <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> ADDOPTING THE TRI-VALLEY TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT FEE <br /> PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> WHEREAS, on October 13, 2013 the Counties of Alameda and Contra Costa, the Cities <br /> of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon, and the Town of Danville entered into a Joint <br /> Exercise of Powers Agreement (JEPA) in order to establish the Tri-Valley Transportation Council, <br /> as a separate agency, to jointly coordinate transportation planning efforts within the Tri-Valley <br /> Area through collecting and administering the Tri-Valley Development Fee (TVTDF) to facilitate <br /> the implementation of transportation improvement projects identified in the NTC strategic <br /> expenditure plan (SEP); and <br /> WHEREAS, the 2013 JEPA replaced the previous JEPA, adopted in 1998, pursuant to <br /> which the member agencies previously collected the TVTDF; and <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 6(b) of the JEPA, TVTC shall through resolution, based <br /> on the findings of a nexus study, recommend regional impact fee amounts for categories of land <br /> use entitlements within the Tri-Valley Area for purposes of funding a portion of transportation <br /> improvements projects identified in the TVTC SEP; and <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 6(c) of the JEPA, if the TVTDF is recommended for <br /> amendment, each member agency shall consider the adoption (by ordinance or resolution) of the <br /> MDF in the amounts recommended by TVTC; and <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 7(b) of the JEPA, member agencies are only eligible to <br /> receive the TVTDF in accordance with the MC SEP if they have adopted the uniform MDF <br /> as recommended by the TVTC; and <br /> WHEREAS, there have been significant changes in the funding, planning and traffic <br /> conditions under which the TVTDF was originally developed. In addition, many of the original 22 <br /> projects identified in the previous SEP have been completed and the TVTC has identified 23 new <br /> projects (List C) to be considered; and <br /> WHEREAS, TVTC entered into a contract with Kimley Horn Associates ("Consultant") to <br /> complete the 2020 MC Nexus Study and Strategic Expenditure Plan (SEP) in accordance with <br /> the requirements of the California Mitigation Fee Act; and <br /> WHEREAS, the 2020 Nexus Study considered the following new projects ("Projects") and <br /> the number of trips generated by anticipated development of each land use type and determined <br /> a Maximum Fee Rate for each of the land uses from Appendix B of the Study. The Projects <br /> considered in the 2020 Nexus Fee Study include the remaining projects from List A and List B, <br /> as well as the following new projects: C-1 Tesla Road Safety Improvement, C-2 Norris Canyon <br /> Road Safety Improvement Project, C-3 Dublin Boulevard-North Canyons Parkway Extension, C- <br /> 4 Vasco Road at Dalton Avenue Intersection Improvements, C-5 EI Charro Road Widening, C-6 <br /> Sunol/680 Interchange Improvements, C-7 1-680 Express Lanes-Hwy 84 to Alcosta, C-8 Santa <br /> Rita/1-580 Interchange, C-9 Stoneridge/1-680 Interchange, C-10 Innovate 680, C-1 1A Iron Horse <br /> Trail Bicycle Pedestrian Overcrossing-City of San Ramon, C-11 B Iron Horse Trail Bicycle <br />