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(1) The employer certifies the nature of the employment and that the appointment <br /> is necessary to fill a critically needed position before 180 days have passed and the <br /> appointment has been approved by the governing body of the employer in a public <br /> meeting. The appointment may not be placed on a consent calendar. <br /> (2) (A) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, for state employees, the <br /> state employer certifies the nature of the employment and that the appointment is <br /> necessary to fill a critically needed state employment position before 180 days have <br /> passed and the appointment has been approved by the Department of Human <br /> Resources. The department may establish a process to delegate appointing authority <br /> to individual state agencies, but shall audit the process to determine if abuses of the <br /> system occur. If necessary, the department may assume an agency's appointing <br /> authority for retired workers and may charge the department an appropriate amount <br /> for administering that authority. <br /> (B) For legislative employees, the Senate Committee on Rules or the Assembly <br /> Rules Committee certifies the nature of the employment and that the appointment is <br /> necessary to fill a critically needed position before 180 days have passed and approves <br /> the appointment in a public meeting.The appointment may not be placed on a consent <br /> calendar. <br /> (C) For employees of the California State University,the Trustees of the California <br /> State University certifies the nature of the employment and that the appointment is <br /> necessary to fill a critically needed position before 180 days have passed and approves <br /> the appointment in a public meeting.The appointment may not be placed on a consent <br /> calendar. <br /> (3) The retiree is eligible to participate in the Faculty Early Retirement Program <br /> pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement with the California State University <br /> -- that existed prior to January 1,2013,or has been included in subsequent agreements. <br /> (4) The retiree is a public safety officer or firefighter hired to perform a function <br /> or functions regularly performed by a public safety officer or firefighter. <br /> (g) A retired person who accepted a retirement incentive upon retirement shall not <br /> be eligible to be employed pursuant to this section for a period of 180 days following <br /> the date of retirement and subdivision(f) shall not apply. <br /> (h) This section shall not apply to a person who is retired from the State Teachers' <br /> Retirement System, and who is subject to Section 24214, 24214.5, or 26812 of the <br /> Education Code. <br /> (i) This section shall not apply to(1)a snhordinate judicial officer whose position, <br /> upon retirement,is converted to a judgeship pursuant to Section 69615,and he or she <br /> returns to work in the converted position, and the employer is a trial court, or (2) a <br /> retiree of the Judges'Retirement System or the Judges'Retirement System II who is <br /> assigned to serve in a court pursuant to Section 68543.5. <br /> (Amended by Stats.2014,Ch.238,Sec. 1. (AB 2476) Effective January 1,2015.) <br />