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EXHIBIT A <br />REPORT BY GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF THE OAK TREE FARM <br />GEOLOGIC HAZARD ABATEMENT DISTRICT <br />The undersigned, General Manager of the Oak Tree Farm Geologic Hazard <br />Abatement District ("GHAD"), has reviewed the report pursuant to California Public <br />Resources Code §26651. It sets forth the estimated GHAD budget for the 2022-23 fiscal <br />year and the proposed estimated assessments to be levied this fiscal year against each <br />parcel of property (single-family residential lots and City sewage lift station parcel) within <br />the GHAD (Part 1), the map of the area within the GHAD and the parcels within it (Part <br />11), and a description of the method used in formulating the estimated assessments <br />(Part III). <br />It is proposed that the amounts set forth in Part I will be assessed against the <br />property within the GHAD for the 2022-23 fiscal year. <br />Stephen M. Kirkpatrick <br />GHAD General Manager <br />