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ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> 5. Ownership of Work. All reports, drawings, plans and specifications, maps, <br /> designs, work data, and all other documents completed or partially completed by <br /> Consultant in the performance of this Agreement shall become the property of City. <br /> 6. Terms. The term of the agreement shall run from July 1, 2022 to June 30, <br /> 2025. Work authorizations issued by the City prior to the expiration of the term of this <br /> Agreement may be completed by Consultant after the term of this Agreement. Two one <br /> year extensions may be authorized by amending this agreement. <br /> 7. Compensation. For the services to be rendered hereunder, City shall pay <br /> Consultant on a time-and-materials basis, based on the schedule per attached Exhibit "A". <br /> Exhibit A may be amended on an annual basis at the start of the new fiscal year (July 1, <br /> 2023 and July 1, 2024). Individual projects covered by this contract shall require separate <br /> proposals and shall not exceed the cost estimate submitted. Projects Partial payment shall <br /> be made on a monthly basis in proportion to the percentage of work completed, upon <br /> receipt of Consultant's invoice. <br /> a. Invoices submitted to City for payment must contain a brief description of <br /> work performed, percentage of work completed, percentage of contract time <br /> used, percentage of contract amount expended and City reference numbers <br /> Account No. and Contract No and Project No. Payment shall be made <br /> within thirty (30) days of receipt of Consultant's invoice. <br /> b. Upon completion of work and acceptance by City, Consultant shall have <br /> sixty (60) days in which to submit final invoicing for payment. An <br /> extension may be granted by City upon receiving a written request thirty <br /> (30) days in advance of said time limitation. The City shall have no <br /> obligation or liability to pay any invoice for work performed which the <br /> Consultant fails or neglects to submit within sixty days, or any extension <br /> thereof granted by the City, after the work is accepted by the City. <br /> 8. Changes. City may request, from time to time, changes in the scope of <br /> services to be provided by Consultant. Any changes and related fees shall be mutually <br /> agreed upon between City and Consultant and shall be the subject of a written amendment <br /> to this Agreement. <br /> 9. Consultant's Status. In the performance of the obligations set forth in this <br /> Agreement, Consultant shall have the status of an independent contractor and Consultant <br /> shall not be considered to be an employee of the City for any purpose. All persons working <br /> for or under the direction of Consultant are its agents, servants, and employees and are not <br /> agents, servants, or employees of City. <br /> 10. Labor Code/Prevailing Wages. To the extent applicable, Consultant shall <br /> comply with the requirements of the California Labor Code including but not limited to <br /> hours of labor, nondiscrimination, payroll records, apprentices, workers' compensation and <br /> payment of prevailing wages as determined by Director of the California Department of <br />