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Mayor Brown noted she has not opened the public hearing and the City Council has made no decisions <br /> on the timeline. <br /> Councilmember Narum noted that as it relates to the differing lengths of parking spaces, she hates <br /> designing on the fly from the dais. <br /> In response to Councilmember Narum, Associate Planner Campbell clarified the 18 and 24-foot spaces <br /> are spread throughout Main Street and the 18-foot spaces are not exclusively on corners. She advised <br /> City Council can direct staff as it sees fit. She noted if a parklet gets bigger than two parking spaces <br /> they encounter additional fire code issues so staffs advice is to go no larger than two parking spaces. <br /> She confirmed there is a guideline the parklet can only be in front of its business unless receiving <br /> permission from its neighbor. <br /> In response to Councilmember Narum, Interim City Manager Dolan advised the City would do its best <br /> to address the matter should Alameda County implement pandemic-related dining restrictions in the <br /> near term. <br /> Interim City Manager Dolan clarified what staff is showing the City Council now about the parking space <br /> size issue is, from his perspective, what was suggested last time. He advised he is unsure where there <br /> is controversy as they are allowing the wheel stops to go into the parking spaces and the parklet <br /> spaces to be maximized. <br /> In response to Councilmember Balch, Associate Planner Campbell confirmed staff is working on both <br /> an 18-foot and a 24-foot pre-approved design. Interim City Manager Dolan noted the length of the <br /> platform will not have as big of an effect on the actual design. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Associate Planner Campbell confirmed staff specifically measured the two <br /> unnamed parklets in question and they will not meet the future size specifications, thus requiring <br /> modifications. She advised one of them also violates the fire code for being over 400 square feet. She <br /> reported the City has not reviewed any engineering for these existing parklets to assess matters like <br /> their maximum loads. She advised the City has not inspected the substructure to ensure proper <br /> drainage is happening, noting staff did see significant water pooling. She advised staff cannot assess <br /> all levels of compliance or ease of potential modifications without the parklet's engineering plans. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Associate Planner Campbell confirmed the City desires to have the new <br /> parklets include removable modular pieces allowing for street maintenance beneath them without full <br /> removal. She expressed hopes the City could know about a street repaving with enough notice to build <br /> it into the parklet agreements so there are no surprises. <br /> Mayor Brown opened the public hearing. <br /> Linda Harmeson reported she has been recovering from injuries and uses an upright walker. She <br /> reported having access issues due to bicycles parked on sidewalks and chairs not being properly <br /> replaced at parklets. She advised she has had particular issues with access near Baci Bistro due to <br /> having trees near the parklet. She noted many of the parklets require her to step down into them and <br /> inhibit her from entering. <br /> In response to Mayor Brown, Associate Planner Campbell confirmed the new parklet guidelines include <br /> having the base be flush with the curb to accommodate Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access <br /> requirements. <br /> In response to Councilmember Testa, Community Development Director Ellen Clark confirmed the new <br /> parklets will be more ADA accessible because they will be flush with the curb and have slope <br /> restrictions. Sidewalk dining is continuously monitored and code enforced for ADA access to sidewalks. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 7 of 10 January 4. 2022 <br />