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a. $200 credit for a 15-gallon size replacement tree; <br /> b. $400 credit for a 24-inch box size replacement tree; and <br /> c. $800 credit for a 36-inch box size replacement tree. <br /> 120. TREE BOND: Any tree affected by development/construction must be protected per the <br /> Municipal Code. The applicant shall post cash, letter of credit, or other security <br /> satisfactory to the Director of Engineering/City Engineer, for all Heritage Trees and any <br /> other significant tree as deemed by the City Landscape Architect. This bond or security <br /> will be for the value of the tree(s), up to a maximum of$100,000, and shall be held for a <br /> minimum of 1 year following acceptance of public improvements or completion of <br /> construction, whichever is later, and shall be forfeited if the trees are destroyed or <br /> substantially damaged. An arborist shall be onsite during any tree work (i.e. root pruning, <br /> trimming, setting up tree protection, etc.). The bond or security may be released early <br /> with a certification letter by the arborist confirming he/she was present during said tree <br /> work and work was performed in accordance with the arborist's recommendations. <br /> 121. ROOT CUTTING: The applicant shall comply with the following tree root cutting <br /> requirements: <br /> a. Roots 1-inch in diameter or larger to be removed shall be cleanly cut with a <br /> hand saw. Roots smaller than 1-inch in diameter are not considered to be <br /> significant and may be removed by the most efficient means. <br /> b. Roots larger than 2-inches in diameter and within 8-feet of the tree trunk shall <br /> not be cut or ground unless prior approval has been received from the <br /> Landscape Architecture Division. <br /> c. Roots of any diameter farther than 8-feet from the tree trunk, which are in <br /> conflict with the proposed work may be ground a maximum of one-half of their <br /> diameter. Work of this nature shall only be performed using a mechanical <br /> stump grinder and only by personnel familiar with its operation. <br /> d. Roots up to 6-inches in diameter and farther than 8-feet from the tree trunk <br /> may be removed if they are in conflict with the proposed work. Roots that are <br /> removed shall be cleanly cut using a hand saw. <br /> 122. ROOT CONTROL BARRIER: The applicant shall provide root control barriers and 4-inch <br /> perforated pipe for all trees located within 8-feet of pavement or other hardscape, <br /> determined by the City Landscape Architect. Root barriers shall be located along the <br /> edge of the pavement wherever the tree is within 8-feet of pavement or hardscape. <br /> Information and details shall be included in the landscape plan submittal for review and <br /> approval by the Landscape Architecture Division. <br /> 123. TREE PRUNING: Pruning shall be conducted by a certified arborist familiar with the <br /> International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) pruning guidelines and shall comply with the <br /> guidelines established by the ISA, Tree Pruning Guidelines, current edition, to maintain <br /> the health of the trees. All the trees along the Dublin Canyon Road frontage, including <br /> trees 1-9 and 941-960, that are retained shall be properly pruned as indicated above. <br /> (Project Specific Condition) <br /> PUD-114-01M& P20-0995 Planning Commission <br /> Page 22 of 25 <br />ter size shall be 12-inch high <br /> PUD-114-01M& P20-0995 Planning Commission <br /> Page 18 of 25 <br /><br /> Plan as part of the improvement plans prepared by a California licensed civil engineer, <br /> which include but is not limited to the type, location, and sizing calculations of the <br /> PUD-114-01M& P20-0995 Planning Commission <br /> Page 16 of 25 <br />d) individuals. <br /> PUD-114-01M& P20-0995 Planning Commission <br /> Page 3 of 25 <br />