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by the buyer that is reasonably available and reasonably feasible to install or construct and makes the residence <br /> more usable for a person with activity limitations or disabilities in order to accommodate them). These may <br /> include features such as high-visibility address numbers, electronic garage door openers, additional lights, door <br /> bench or package shelf, oversize garage, zero-step house/garage entry, etc. <br /> (Attached as Part III. A: Yes No) <br /> B. External Features: Builder Offer (Any other additional external feature offered to the buyer by the builder <br /> that makes the residence more usable for a person with disabilities or activity limitations in order to <br /> accommodate then). (Attached as Part III. B: Yes No) <br /> C. Internal Features: Buyer Request (Any other additional internal feature requested at a reasonable time by <br /> the buyer that is reasonably available and reasonably feasible to install or construct and makes the residence more <br /> usable for a person with activity limitations or disabilities in order to accommodate them). These may include <br /> features such as lowered window sills (under 36"), additional lighting, "touch" luminous light switches, automatic <br /> internal lights, additional wiring for electronic features, lighted closets, air filtration systems, larger/more <br /> automatic thermostats, pocket doors, etc. <br /> (Attached as Part III. C: Yes No) <br /> D. Internal Features: Builder Offer (Any other additional internal feature offered to the buyer by the builder <br /> that makes the residence more usable for a person with activity limitations or disabilities in order to <br /> accommodate them). (Attached as Part III. D: Yes No) <br /> E.Variation from State Chapter I IA Standards: (Any mutually agreed-upon features with standards <br /> different than Chapter IIA of the California Building Code, including clearly identified deviations from those <br /> standards). (Attached as Part III. E:_Yes No) <br /> F.Additional features or requirements: (Any mutually agreed-upon features not covered by Chapter IIA of <br /> the California Building Code for which additional detail would be helpful to the builder and buyer, including clearly <br /> identified standards.) (Attached as Part III. F: Yes No) <br /> PART IV: Explanation of Laws Governing Checklist and Use of the List <br /> The City of Dublin has adopted a Universal Design Ordinance that requires Developers to install or offer and <br /> install for purchase certain accessible features. The purpose of the Universal Design Guideline, established by this <br /> chapter is to enhance the full life cycle use of housing without regard to the physical abilities or disabilities of a <br /> home's occupants or guests in order to accommodate a wide range of individual preferences or physical abilities. <br /> The Ordinance is applicable to all residential dwellings units that are part of a residential development project is <br /> excess of 20 residential dwellings units, that are single-family, duplex and triplex units. All other unit types are <br /> regulated by Chapters I IA and I I B of the California Building Code. <br /> California law, section 17959.6 of the Health and Safety Code, requires a builder of new for-sale residential units <br /> to provide buyers with a list of specific"universal design features" which make a home safer and easier to use for <br /> persons who are aging or frail, or who have certain temporary or permanent activity limitations or disabilities. A <br /> developer is not required to provide the listed features during construction or at any other time, unless the <br /> developer has offered to provide a feature and the buyer has requested it and agreed to provide payment. <br /> All features covered by"Chapter IIA" of the California Building Code (Title 24, California Code of Regulations, <br /> Part 2) are identified by an asterisk (*) and must comply with that Chapter unless otherwise specifically provided. <br /> All features not in Chapter I IA must be selected and installed in a workman like manner by the builder unless <br /> they are further described in Part V. <br /> LEGEND <br /> Standards in CA Bldg Code(Chapter I IA) (*);Status:Standard (S), Limited (L),Option (0), Mandatory to Install (MI), <br /> Mandatory to Offer(MO),or Not Available(NA);Timing.Any Time(AT), Before Foundation(BFo), Before Framing(BFr), <br /> Before Internal Wall Covering(BIW); Details:See Part V(Y or Yes), None (N or No). <br /> G:\Forms&Handouts-2019\ACCESSIBILITY\Universal Design Checklist(Rev 2020).docx Page 6 of 7 <br />