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1. Rocker light switches and controls installed pursuant to either of the following: <br /> a. In all rooms required to be accessible and on the accessible route. <br /> b. Throughout the balance of the residential dwelling unit. <br /> 2. On an accessible route in an interior room or hallway, interior doors or <br /> openings for rooms and routes of travel required to be accessible consistent with CBC <br /> Chapter 11A. <br /> EXCEPTIONS: A thirty-four inch (34") clear doorway width may be requested <br /> from a hallway with a thirty-nine inch (39") width, and a thirty-six inch (36") clear <br /> doorway width may be requested from a hallway with a thirty-six inch (36") width. <br /> 3. The width of the level area on the side toward which an accessible door <br /> swings consistent with CBC Chapter 11A. <br /> 4. If the Building Official or owner/purchaser determines that the accessible route <br /> and doorway width options prescribed by Chapter 11A are not feasible and that a less <br /> wide accessible route is necessary, a functional alternative to ensure that all entries into <br /> rooms required to be accessible may be approved by the Building Official or <br /> purchaser/owner if it meets at least one of the following requirements and if the hallway <br /> is not less than thirty-six (36") inches in width: <br /> a. The entry door to the room must be at the end of a hallway or <br /> passageway, or open directly from another room on an accessible route of travel, <br /> so that no turn of ninety degrees (90') or more is necessary to enter the room. <br /> b. The hallway wall opposite the room must be inset enough to allow an <br /> area of at least eight inches (8") wide with at least a sixty-inch (60") run centered <br /> on the center of the entry door opening [e.g., an 8" by 60" notch or alcove.] <br /> c. The hallway wall on the same side as the room must be inset enough to <br /> allow an area of at least eight inches (8") wide with at least a sixty-inch (60") run <br /> centered on the center of the entry door opening [e.g., an 8" by 60" notch or <br /> alcove.] <br /> d. The hallway wall directly opposite the room door must open to another <br /> room with at least a sixty-inch (60") opening on a level with the accessible <br /> passageway or hallway. <br /> NOTE: Doors or openings to the rooms required to be accessible may be wider and the <br /> notch or alcove smaller if equivalent access is not impeded. In addition, for a doorway at <br /> the end of a hallway or in other circumstances, the notch or alcove need not be <br /> centered on the doorway if equivalent access is not impeded. <br /> 5. Hand-activated door hardware complying with CBC Chapter 11A. <br /> Page 9 of 11 <br />