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Interim City Manager Dolan advised staff is not opposed to the request. He emphasized that the notice <br /> is intended to educate residents that the direction is coming from the State. He advised he does not <br /> need a legislative act from the City Council and staff will move forward with sending out notices on <br /> ministerial projects. <br /> Mayor Brown expressed support for agendizing a discussion of the Avana Project that could be funded <br /> by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA) for 223 units in Pleasanton. <br /> The dais unanimously concurred. Councilmember Narum clarified the Avana Project is off the table and <br /> Guy Houston's request is to have the City join the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) so CSCDA can then <br /> bring something forward. Mayor Brown requested staff seek further clarification. <br /> Councilmember Arkin requested an agenda item to discuss redistricting issues. Interim City Manager <br /> Dolan advised the redistricting maps were all certified. Assistant to the City Manager Hopkins confirmed <br /> the county redistricting has been certified and the final maps for the state redistricting have been <br /> submitted and there is a three-day mandatory public review process. Mayor Brown signed a letter this <br /> evening with Pleasanton's comments encouraging the Tri-Valley to stay together in State Senate, State <br /> Assembly, and in the Assembly District. She explained the letter opposes the split and will be submitted <br /> tomorrow and the Tri-Valley cities have been advocating since July for the region to stay together. <br /> Assistant to the City Manager Hopkins clarified any member of the public can navigate to <br /> httgs://www.wedrawthelinesca.orq/to review the final maps and submit public comments. <br /> Councilmember Narum would like to see Mayor Brown establish a subcommittee to begin to rewrite the <br /> Rules and Operating Procedures Manual that was last updated in 1995. Mayor Brown concurred and <br /> recommended Councilmember Narum be appointed to the subcommittee. <br /> City Attorney Sodergren advised the item is on the City Council's work plan and he has begun working <br /> on the update. He believes it will take more of the City Council's time depending on what level of review <br /> they would like to see and what changes they would like to make. He advised he had planned on <br /> bringing it back in phases with the first phase being a simple legal update, the second phase being <br /> input from the City Council on other procedural changes, and the third phase being a possible edition of <br /> City Council protocols and best practices. <br /> Mayor Brown advised the City Council has a lot of work on its plate with the Housing Element coming <br /> up in the districts. She recommended some of the work happening in advance and then brought it <br /> forward at a special meeting of the City Council on the second or fourth Tuesday. <br /> COUNCIL REPORTS — None. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Councilmember Testa adjourned the regular meeting at 11:27 p.m., with a tribute to men and women <br /> serving in the military, honoring the memories of those who have died in defense of our country. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Jocelyn Kwong <br /> City Clerk <br /> City Council Minutes Page 18 of 18 December 21, 2021 <br />