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The Authority, an affiliate joint powers authority, was created to enable CSCDA to continue to <br /> broaden its program offerings by being able to acquire public benefit oriented capital projects <br /> through the issuance of tax-exempt governmental purpose bonds. Through the Authority's <br /> Workforce Housing Program, it issues government bonds to acquire market-rate apartment <br /> buildings. These properties are then converted to income and rent-restricted units for <br /> moderate/middle income households, which are generally households earning 80% to 120% of <br /> AMI. Additionally, annual rent increases would be capped at no more than 4%, which is less than <br /> the rent limits under AB1482, the recently adopted State tenant protection legislation. No existing <br /> tenants would be displaced under the program. <br /> If a property is acquired by the Authority, the City would execute a Public Benefit Agreement <br /> (Attachment ). Under the Public Benefit Agreement, the City, at its sole discretion, may force <br /> a sale of the property between Year 15 and Year 30 (the end of the life) of the bonds, and the <br /> City, along with certain other taxing agencies (including the County and School District) would <br /> receive a portion of the net sale proceeds. <br /> The Authority is a public entity separate and apart from its members, and any debts, liabilities, <br /> and obligations incurred by the Authority will not constitute debts, liabilities, or obligations of its <br /> member agencies. Bonds issued for any particular project will be indebtedness solely of the <br /> Authority, and payable only from revenues of the project. No financial expenditures, liabilities, or <br /> obligations are created by joining the Authority or executing any public benefit agreement. <br /> FISCAL IMPACT: <br /> If a property is purchased by the Authority, the property may be exempt from paying property <br /> taxes, resulting in an initial loss of revenue to the City. The property tax loss would be a relatively <br /> insignificant reduction in revenue to the City and enables the financial feasibility of acquiring <br /> properties to create housing opportunities for middle-income residents that might not otherwise <br /> exist. Under the terms of the public benefit agreement, if a property generates surplus cash flow <br /> through the proceeds of the sale of a property, the City will receive a portion of the surplus <br /> revenue, which could well exceed any temporary loss of property tax revenue. <br /> ATTACHMENTS: <br /> 1) Resolution <br /> 2) Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement <br /> 3) Form of Public Benefits Agreement <br />