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Pleasanton as potential cricket field locations, which are the only parks that could fit the <br />requested field sizes: <br />• Ken Mercer Sports Park <br />• Amador Community Park <br />• Muirwood Community Park <br />• Staples Ranch Community Park (undeveloped location) <br />• Bernal Community Park (undeveloped location). <br />Ken Mercer Sports Park and Amador Community Park were determined to have too <br />many other potentially conflicting uses to meet the demand for the cricket field use. The <br />locations that a cricket field would potentially fit at both parks would displace multiple <br />fields and user groups, so no further evaluation was performed. <br />Near-term Solution <br />Muirwood Community Park <br />City staff analyzed Muirwood Community Park (Muirwood) and determined it to be a <br />viable location to construct a near-term cricket field. It is the only park that: <br />• Is without a significant amount of other sports user groups <br />• Has the necessary open grass area to install the 180 -foot radius cricket field <br />• Has a public restroom <br />• Has space for storage <br />• Has a large amount of available on -street parking <br />City staff presented the idea of locating a cricket field at Muirwood to the Sports Council <br />on October 18, 2021. The Sports Council was generally receptive to the idea of the <br />installation of a cricket field at Muirwood but wanted to retain the youth soccer fields at <br />the site. Staff believes that cricket and youth soccer can share the field. <br />Long-term Solution <br />Staples Ranch Community Park (undeveloped location) <br />The 17 -acre undeveloped plot of land, located to the south of Stoneridge Drive and <br />adjacent to the Pacific Pearl shopping center, was acquired by the City as a result of the <br />Staples Ranch Specific Plan process. The Specific Plan identified this land for a future <br />community park but did not establish or require any specific type of park uses. The <br />future park location has: <br />• Easy access from Interstate 580 <br />Can accommodate requested parking <br />• Is large enough for the requested field size <br />Can be designed to incorporate the associated amenities requested for the long- <br />term cricket field <br />Additionally, it does not have any conflicting uses as the park is yet to be constructed. <br />Bernal Community Park: <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />