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ATTACHMENT#1 <br /> RESOLUTION NO. <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> ACTIVATING THE STAGE 2 WATER DROUGHT RATES <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council adopted urgency Ordinance No. 2225 on October 5, 2021, <br /> declaring a Local Drought Emergency due to the critically reduced water supplies and continued <br /> extreme dry weather for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council also adopted Resolution No. 21-1250 on October 5, 2021, <br /> declaring a Stage 2 Water Shortage and mandating water customers reduce their potable water <br /> usage by 15 percent; and <br /> WHEREAS, when the City Council declared the local drought emergency on October 5, <br /> 2021, and Stage 2 mandatory conservation target of 15%, it was decided not to impose any <br /> Drought Rates and/or Excess Use Penalties at that time; and <br /> WHEREAS, drought conditions continue to persist throughout California because while <br /> some precipitation during late 2021 has improved the water supply condition, it has not been <br /> enough to reduce the mandatory 15% reduction target; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City adopted Water Drought Rates as part of the 2015 water and sewer <br /> rate study, which was after the last drought in 2013 and 2104; and <br /> WHEREAS, the purpose of the Water Drought Rates is to help keep the Water Enterprise <br /> Fund financially sustainable during a drought or water shortage emergency, as such rates help <br /> offset the revenue impacts of decreased consumption while also providing an additional incentive <br /> to conserve water and discourage wasteful or inefficient water use through pricing; and <br /> WHEREAS, Water Drought Rates are in addition to the City's regular water rates as set <br /> forth in the City's Master Fee Schedule; and <br /> WHEREAS, if the water conservation target is not met after imposing the Stage 2 Water <br /> Drought Rates, then staff would recommend that the City Council consider implementing the <br /> Excess Use Penalties to further discourage wasteful or inefficient water use. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON, <br /> CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: <br /> SECTION 1. Finds that the Stage 2 Water Drought Rates have no possibility to have a <br /> significant effect on the environment per Title 14 California Code of Regulations §15061(b)(3). <br /> SECTION 2. Activates Stage 2 Water Drought Rates per the City's Master Fee Schedule <br /> to be effective May 1, 2022. Such Water Drought Rates shall apply to customers after a <br /> customer's full bi-monthly billing cycle begins on or after May 1, 2022. <br /> SECTION 3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and <br /> adoption. <br /> PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of <br /> Pleasanton at a regular meeting held on March 15, 2022. <br />