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Environmental Checklist <br />Hydrology and Water Quality <br /> <br />Final Initial Study – Negative Declaration 59 <br />10 Hydrology and Water Quality <br /> <br />Potentially <br />Significant <br />Impact <br />Less than <br />Significant <br />with <br />Mitigation <br />Incorporated <br />Less than <br />Significant <br />Impact <br />No <br />Impact <br />Would the project: <br />a. Violate any water quality standards or <br />waste discharge requirements or otherwise <br />substantially degrade surface or <br />groundwater quality? □ □ ■ □ <br />b. Substantially decrease groundwater <br />supplies or interfere substantially with <br />groundwater recharge such that the <br />project may impede sustainable <br />groundwater management of the basin? □ □ □ ■ <br />c. Substantially alter the existing drainage <br />pattern of the site or area, including <br />through the alteration of the course of a <br />stream or river or through the addition of <br />impervious surfaces, in a manner which <br />would: □ □ □ ■ <br />(i) Result in substantial erosion or siltation <br />on- or off-site; □ □ □ ■ <br />(ii) Substantially increase the rate or <br />amount of surface runoff in a manner <br />which would result in flooding on- or <br />off-site; □ □ □ ■ <br />(iii) Create or contribute runoff water <br />which would exceed the capacity of <br />existing or planned stormwater <br />drainage systems or provide <br />substantial additional sources of <br />polluted runoff; or □ □ □ ■ <br />(iv) Impede or redirect flood flows? □ □ □ ■ <br />d. In flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche zones, <br />risk release of pollutants due to project <br />inundation? □ □ ■ □ <br />e. Conflict with or obstruct implementation of <br />a water quality control plan or sustainable <br />groundwater management plan? □ □ □ ■