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Environmental Checklist <br />Biological Resources <br /> <br />Final Initial Study – Negative Declaration 37 <br />policies related to protected species. As such, the CAP 2.0 would not have a substantial adverse <br />effect on special-status wildlife species. Therefore, the CAP 2.0 would result in a less-than- <br />significant impact related to special-status wildlife species. <br />b. Would the project have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive <br />natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the <br />California Department of Fish and Wildlife or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? <br />c. Have a substantial adverse effect on state or federally protected wetlands (including, but not <br />limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological <br />interruption, or other means? <br />The CAP 2.0 would not involve land use or zoning changes but would instead promote sustainable <br />infrastructure development and redevelopment within urbanized areas of the City. According to the <br />Pleasanton General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element as well as Water Element, there are <br />a number of arroyos in the City that provide riparian corridors. These include Arroyo del Valle, <br />Arroyo Mocho, and Arroyo de la Laguna, as well as several smaller riparian corridors. Other special <br />habitat resources in Pleasanton include wetlands, lakes, rivers, and streams. The Pleasanton General <br />Plan Conservation and Open Space Element contains Goal 2 and Goal 5 to conserve existing open <br />space and sensitive habitats and the native species that rely on them. In addition, the Pleasanton <br />General Plan Water Element contains Goal 2 to preserve the health of water courses, riparian <br />corridors, and wetlands.35, 36 <br />The CAP 2.0 strategies and actions would generally apply to the urbanized areas of the City, with <br />little application to parks, open spaces area, or other locations where riparian and wetland habitat is <br />located. CAP 2.0 Strategy NS-1 and Action P13 facilitate the implementation of an urban forest <br />master plan to increase trees throughout Pleasanton, which aligns with Pleasanton General Plan <br />goals related to habitat and greenspace conservation. Likewise, CAP 2.0 Action S8 seeks to increase <br />green stormwater infrastructure throughout Pleasanton, including low-impact development (LID) <br />strategies such as bioswales, rain catchment basins, and green roofs, that would improve <br />stormwater management and water quality within the City. In addition, future CAP 2.0-related <br />projects would be required to adhere to City development regulations and Pleasanton General Plan <br />policies, including the City of Pleasanton Tree Preservation Ordinance, to retain urban forestry and <br />minimize environmental impacts. In addition, the location and details of future CAP 2.0 projects <br />would be reviewed for consistency with applicable local, regional, and State regulations related to <br />sensitive habitat prior to approval. As such, the CAP 2.0 would not have a substantial adverse effect <br />on riparian habitat or sensitive natural community, such as wetlands. Therefore, the CAP 2.0 would <br />have a less-than-significant impact related to sensitive natural plant communities. <br />d. Would the project interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory <br />fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or <br />impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? <br />The CAP 2.0 would not involve land use or zoning changes but would instead promote sustainable <br />infrastructure development and redevelopment within urbanized portions of the City. As a policy <br />document, the CAP 2.0 would not result in direct impacts related to interference with species <br /> <br />35 Pleasanton, City of. 2009. Pleasanton General Plan Conservation and Open Space Element. Available: <br /><>. Accessed October 7, 2021 <br />36 Pleasanton, City of. 2009. Pleasanton General Plan Water Element. Available: <br /><>. Accessed October 8, 2021