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THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br />Project Applicant Wassim Naguib gave a presentation providing background on prior approvals <br />for the property; approvals on the neighboring sites; proposed parking lift; compact and <br />standard spaces; turnaround requirement; landscaping around the lift and parking to eliminate <br />visibility from offsite; building height; proposed roof deck; and proposed addition. He asked for <br />input from the Commission on locating the lift under the building. <br />Commissioner O'Connor asked for clarification on the applicant's suggestion of putting the lift <br />under the building. Mr. Naguib explained there was currently a two -space car port under the <br />building and the possibility of locating the lift under the building if the height were raised from <br />10 to 14 feet. Commissioner O'Connor asked who would be using the lift. Mr. Naguib clarified <br />there would be no assigned spaces in the proposed parking lot. <br />Ms. Campbell provided further clarification on the project site's previous approval, stating a <br />three -unit structure was originally approved in 2016, but that approval expired; between 2016 <br />and the present, the new DSP was adopted, making it necessary to change the originally <br />approved project. <br />Commissioner Balch asked for further clarification on the dimensions of the spots under the lift. <br />Mr. Naguib explained the lift caused the spots underneath to be compact by width, not length. <br />Commissioner Balch inquired if there were wider, single lifts to allow for a standard sized spot <br />beneath. Mr. Naguib stated there might be single lifts but if the project satisfied the 40 percent <br />allowable compact spaces then the double lift would be acceptable. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br />Commissioner Allen requested the Commissioners go through the questions one at a time to <br />stay focused in its discussion. Vice Chair Brown agreed. <br />Discussion Point #1: <br />1. Can the two lower spaces of the parking lift count toward meeting the PMC - <br />required off-street parking spaces? <br />Commissioner Balch stated he had no concerns counting the lift parking spaces and thought <br />the lift was an innovative solution to the parking challenge. He stated he agreed with onsite <br />parking and suggested a single lift be considered like tandem parking. <br />Commissioner O'Connor expressed his support for a single lift but not a double lift. <br />Commissioner Balch explained that because both sides of the lift must raise and lower at the <br />same time, the four spots were dependent upon the lift. He stated a single lift would be similar <br />to tandem spots already existing within the City. He again stated he thought of the single lift as <br />tandem parking and that it was an innovative solution to the parking problems downtown. Mr. <br />Naguib explained that tandem parking typically assigned two spaces to one spot. <br />Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 9 August 26, 2020 <br />