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a report from a certified arborist acceptable to the City indicating trenching will <br /> not be detrimental to the health of the tree. <br /> c. Nothing may be stored within the dripline of the tree canopies. This includes <br /> equipment, oil, gas, chemicals, harmful materials, fill or storage. <br /> d. No oil, gasoline, chemicals, or other harmful materials shall be deposited or <br /> disposed within the dripline of the trees or in drainage channels, swales, or <br /> areas that may lead to the dripline. <br /> e. No sign, wires, or ropes shall be attached to the trees. <br /> f. No stockpiling/storage of construction materials, fill, etc., shall take place <br /> underneath or within 5-feet of the dripline of the existing trees. <br /> g. No equipment or temporary structures shall be placed within or beneath the <br /> dripline of the existing trees. <br /> Failure to comply with these requirements may result in a "stop work order". <br /> STREET TREES: The applicant shall install at least five street trees along the frontage of the <br /> property. Tree shall be native oaks or similar species acceptable to the City. Project specific <br /> condition. <br /> TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION — 925-931-5677 <br /> 68. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES: The applicant shall pay any traffic impact fees for the development as <br /> determined by the City Traffic Engineer. The fee shall be paid prior to building permit issuance. <br /> 69. TRUCK ROUTES: The haul route for all materials to and from the project site shall be reviewed <br /> and approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to building permit issuance and shall include the <br /> provision to monitor the street surfaces used for the haul route so that any damage and debris <br /> attributable to the haul trucks is identified and corrected at the expense of the applicant. <br /> END <br /> PUD-144, 3747 Trenery Drive City Council <br /> Page 12 of 12 <br />