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Landscape Architecture Division prior to installation. The erosion control shall be <br /> maintained by the applicant until permanent landscaping is in place. <br /> 58. BACKFLOW AND IRRIGATION METER SCREENING: All backflow prevention devices <br /> and above ground irrigation controls shall be located and screened to minimize their <br /> visual impacts. These devices with their proposed screening shall be shown on the <br /> landscaping and utility plans submitted with the building permit plans or improvement <br /> plans and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Landscape Architect <br /> prior to their installation. If above-ground, they shall be painted forest green or an <br /> equivalent dark-green color. Screens shall consist of berms, walls, or landscaping <br /> satisfactorily integrated into the landscape plan. Landscape screens shall include <br /> shrubbery designed by species and planting density to establish a complete screen within <br /> 1 year from the date of planting. Weather protection devices, such as measures to <br /> protect pipes from freezing, shall require approval by the City Landscape Architect prior <br /> to use; at no time shall fabric or other material not designed and/or intended for this <br /> purpose be wrapped around or otherwise placed on these devices. Project specific <br /> condition. <br /> 59. SITE LIGHTING: All site lighting shall be designed for consistency with the International <br /> Dark-Sky Association's (IDA) Model Lighting Ordinance. This project site shall be <br /> considered to be in an LZ-1 zone for design purposes. Lighting shall be subject to review <br /> and approval by the City Landscape Architect prior to building permit issuance. Project <br /> specific condition. <br /> Trees <br /> 60. TREE REPORT: The applicant shall provide a tree report. Recommendations made in <br /> the report should be printed on the grading, civil and landscape plans. No tree trimming <br /> or pruning other than that specified in the tree report shall occur. The applicant shall <br /> arrange for the Project Arborist to conduct a field inspection prior to building permit <br /> issuance to ensure all recommendations have been properly implemented. The Project <br /> Arborist shall certify in writing all recommendations have been followed. Project specific <br /> condition. <br /> 61. TREE REMOVAL MITIGATION: Any trees approved to be removed by the City shall <br /> have its full value paid into the City's Urban Forestry Fund. A credit for replanting trees <br /> shall be as follows: <br /> a. $250 credit for a 15-gallon size replacement tree; <br /> b. $500 credit for a 24-inch box size replacement tree; and <br /> c. $1,000 credit for a 36-inch box size replacement tree. <br /> Project specific condition. <br /> 62. TREE BOND: Any tree affected by development/construction must be protected per the <br /> Municipal Code. The applicant shall post cash, letter of credit, or other security <br /> satisfactory to the Director of Engineering/City Engineer, for all Heritage Trees and any <br /> other significant tree as deemed by the City Landscape Architect. This bond or security <br /> will be for the value of the tree(s), up to a maximum of$100,000. and shall be held for a <br /> minimum of 1 year following acceptance of public improvements or completion of <br /> construction, whichever is later, and shall be forfeited if the trees are destroyed or <br /> PUD-144, 3747 Trenery Drive City Council <br /> Page 10 of 12 <br />