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Environmental Checklist <br />Geology and Soils <br />including low -impact development (LID) strategies such as bioswales, rain catchment basins, and <br />green roofs. Additionally, CAP 2.0 Action P13 would involve the planting of new trees throughout <br />the City. <br />CAP 2.0 projects and actions would be reviewed for consistency with Pleasanton General Plan and <br />PMC and other local and State erosion and grading regulations prior to final siting and construction. <br />The potential for CAP 2.0 project construction activities involving soil disturbance to result in <br />increased erosion and sediment transport by stormwater to surface waters would be minimized, <br />because future projects would be required to comply with the Pleasanton Standard Specifications <br />and Details, which include erosion and sediment control standards, and/or a the National Pollutant <br />Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit provided by the Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board.58 These regulations require best management practices (BMPs) such as the <br />covering of graded slopes and stockpiled materials, storm drain protection, and use of fiber rolls and <br />silt fences to reduce erosion and topsoil loss from stormwater runoff. Compliance with the <br />Pleasanton Standard Specifications and Details and/or Construction General Permit would ensure <br />that BMPs are implemented during construction and minimize substantial soil erosion or the loss of <br />topsoil. Therefore, the CAP 2.0 would result in a less -than -significant impact related to soil erosion <br />and loss of topsoil. <br />c. Would the project be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become <br />unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral <br />spreading, subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse? <br />d. Would the project be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 1-B of the Uniform Building <br />Code (1994), creating substantial direct or indirect risks to life or property? <br />According to the Pleasanton General Plan Public Safety Element, Pleasanton contains approximately <br />12,000 acres of land concentrated in the northernmost portion of the City, the center of the City, <br />and along the 1-680 corridor at risk of liquefaction. Most of Pleasanton is characterized by low to no <br />potential for landslides, other than in the areas adjacent to Pleasanton Ridge and Southeast Hills. <br />Expansive soils are known to be present in the northern and northwestern portions of Pleasanton, <br />and moderate potential for expansive soils exists throughout the rest of the City. Lateral spreading, <br />subsidence, and other soil -related risks are generally low throughout the City.59 The Pleasanton <br />General Plan Public Safety Element, PMC, and California Building Code (CBC) contain regulations for <br />structural design and soil hazards in order to mitigate potential impacts related to unstable soils. <br />The CAP 2.0 is a policy document containing programs that are consistent with the Pleasanton <br />General Plan. Some of the proposed policies in the CAP 2.0 would support small-scale construction <br />projects, such as EV charging stations. However, CAP 2.0 projects and actions would be reviewed for <br />consistency with local and State geotechnical regulations prior to final siting and construction. New <br />structures would be required to comply with PMC Chapter 20.06, Existing Building Code, which <br />adopts the latest CBC, including measures to address unstable soil conditions.60 Therefore, the CAP <br />2.0 would result in a less -than -significant impact related to risks associated with location on <br />unstable geologic unit or soil or on expansive soils. <br />58 Pleasanton, City of. 2016. Pleasanton Standard Specifications and Details. Available: <br /><>. Accessed October 13, 2021. <br />59 Pleasanton, City of. 2009. Pleasanton General Plan Public Safety Element. Available: <br /><>. Accessed October 13, 2021. <br />60 Pleasanton, City of. 2021. Pleasanton Municipal Code Chapter 20.06. Available: <>. Accessed <br />October 14, 2021. <br />Final Initial Study - Negative Declaration <br />49 <br />