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Environmental Checklist <br />Agriculture and Forestry Resources <br />farmland.23 There are no Williamson Act contracts within the City. Areas of unincorporated Alameda <br />County surrounding the City, particularly to the west and south of the City, are largely grazing land <br />and passive open space, some of which include Williamson Act contracts.24 <br />The CAP 2.0 strategies and actions focus on electrification of buildings, improving active <br />transportation, zero emission vehicle and public transit infrastructure, water conservation, and <br />increasing urban greenspace and trees. CAP 2.0 actions would not involve projects or policies that <br />would result in impacts related to conversion or loss of farmland. Therefore, the CAP 2.0 would <br />result in a no impact related to degradation of agricultural resources or conversion of agricultural <br />land to non -agriculture uses, nor would there be a conflict with existing zoning or Pleasanton <br />General Plan land use designations. <br />c. Would the project conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land (as defined <br />in Public Resources Code Section 12220(8)); timberland (as defined by Public Resources Code <br />Section 4526); or timberland zoned Timberland Production (as defined by Government Code <br />Section 51104(8))? <br />d. Would the project result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non forest use? <br />e.2. Would the project involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location <br />or nature, could result in conversion of forest land to non forest use? <br />Pleasanton contains several parks as well as natural areas in the southern portion of the City that <br />contain mixed grassland and woodland communities and oak woodland on the ridges at the western <br />edge of the City.25 However, Pleasanton does not contain areas designated for forest land or <br />Timberland Production. PMC Chapter 17.16, Tree Preservation, establishes policies, regulations, and <br />standards to ensure tree protection within the City.26 In addition, the Pleasanton General Plan <br />contains a number of goals, policies, and actions such as Policy 2, preserve heritage trees, that <br />illustrate the City's commitment to managing and preserving Pleasanton's urban forest. The CAP 2.0 <br />aligns with the Pleasanton General Plan by including strategies and actions such as CAP Action P13, <br />which seeks to facilitate the implementation of an urban forest master plan to increase tree canopy <br />throughout the City. <br />As such, the CAP 2.0 would increase planting of trees within the City and be consistent with the <br />City's Tree Preservation Regulations. Furthermore, the CAP 2.0 seeks to increase trees within the <br />City for the purposes of carbon sequestration. The CAP 2.0 does not include actions that would <br />result in the loss of forest land or the conversion of forest land to non -forest use, nor would it <br />conflict with or cause the rezoning of forest, timber land, or Timberland Production areas. <br />Therefore, the CAP 2.0 would result in a no impact related to degradation of forestry resources or <br />conversion of forest land to non -forest uses, nor would there be a conflict with existing zoning or <br />Pleasanton General Plan land use designations. <br />23 California Department of Conservation. 2021. California Important Farmland Finder Map. Available: <br /><>. Accessed October 7, 2021. <br />24 Pleasanton, City of. 2008. Pleasanton General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report. Available: <br /><>. Accessed October 7, 2021. <br />25 Pleasanton, City of. 2009. Pleasanton General Plan Conservation and Open Space Element. Available: <br /><>. Accessed October 7, 2021. <br />26 Pleasanton, City of. 2021. Pleasanton Municipal Code Chapter 17.16. Available: <br /><>. Accessed October 7, 2021. <br />Final Initial Study — Negative Declaration <br />29 <br />