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Alameda CTC Agreement No. A22-0034 <br />Project No. 157800 <br />APPENDIX G-3 <br />TFCA INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />[See Below and Attached] <br />Note: The below Alameda CTC insurance requirements for TFCA projects are followed by a <br />copy of BAAQMD's Insurance Guidelines, Appendix F of BAAQMD's TFCA County Program <br />Manager Fund Expenditure Plan Guidance, Fiscal Year Ending (FYE) 2022. As incorporated <br />into this Agreement, (i) the term "Air District" in the attached shall be deemed to mean and refer <br />to BAAQMD, (ii) "County Program Manager" shall be deemed to mean and refer to ALAMEDA <br />CTC, and (iii) "Grantee" shall be deemed to mean and refer to SPONSOR. <br />INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />Verification of Coverage <br />SPONSOR is required to provide certificates and/or other evidence of the required insurance <br />coverage prior to the execution of a fund -transfer agreement and annually thereafter throughout <br />and until project completion. Certificates, policies and other evidence provided shall specify that <br />the ALAMEDA CTC and BAAQMD shall receive 30 days advanced notice of cancellation from <br />the insurers. <br />Additionally, SPONSOR is to require all professional services consultants, contractors and <br />subcontractors involved with the PROJECT to name ALAMEDA CTC, its officers, employees and <br />consultants as additional insured on all insurance required by SPONSOR for PROJECT. <br />Minimum Scope of Insurance <br />Throughout the Term of the AGREEMENT, SPONSOR shall obtain and maintain in full force and <br />effect the Liability Insurance and Property Insurance as set forth below: <br />1. Liability Insurance: with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such <br />insurance shall be of the type usual and customary to the business of SPONSOR, and to the <br />operation of the vehicles, vessels, engines or equipment operated by Sponsor. <br />2. Property Insurance: in an amount of not less than the insurable value of SPONSOR's <br />vehicles, vessels, engines or equipment funded under the Agreement, and covering all risks <br />of loss, damage or destruction of such vehicles, vessels, engines or equipment. <br />3. Workers Compensation Insurance: As required by California law and employers' <br />insurance with a limit not less than $1 million. <br />Acceptability of Insurers <br />Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A: VII. <br />The ALAMEDA CTC may, at its sole discretion, waive or alter this requirement or accept self- <br />insurance in lieu of any required policy of insurance. <br />Appendix G — Page 4 <br />