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Phase I Research Project Deliverables (Completed) <br /> 1)Initiated a formal camera trap and animal-sign detection research program at <br /> five sites within the study area(five sites, 18 cameras installed). <br /> 2)Initiated development of an integrated dataset of wildlife observations for use in <br /> occupancy and other statistical analyses. <br /> 3) Submitted a Technical Report describing the outcome of the preliminary <br /> investigation and research conclusions. <br /> Phase II (Proposed) <br /> During Phase II of this study,the camera trap network will be expanded to include <br /> additional sites (four new proposed) and to improve coverage within the current <br /> study area initiated during Phase I (total of forty cameras proposed)..These sites <br /> include: 1) additional private and public land parcels distributed through the <br /> Altamont Pass,2) sites of varying conservation priority as determined by UCB's <br /> web tool, and 3) one site near Eden Canyon Rd, at the western end of ALOSC's <br /> areas of interest.Along with data collection at the new sites, camera trap data will <br /> continue to be collected at the original study sites aswell as additional wildlife <br /> occurrence data from other sources(e.g.,new CNDDB records and roadkill data). <br /> Thus, our efforts will result in one to two and a half years of data collection at all <br /> sites. <br /> The field-collected data and data from other sources will be designed to inform the <br /> final, analytical.phase of the project(Phase III). That phase will be proposed at the <br /> tail-end of data collection, in Spring 2023. At that point we will have 1 to 3 years <br /> (depending on location) of camera trap and sign monitoring at multiple sites <br /> through the Altamont Pass and one site near Castro Valley. We also will collect all <br /> available data from other local, state and federal sources. The combined dataset <br /> will be used in Phase III analyses involving occupancy modeling and informing the <br /> UCB decision-support tool for ALOSC. <br /> Phase II Research Project Deliverables <br /> 1)Medium-term(1 to 3 years) datasets from the camera trap, and animal-sign <br /> detection research program; other datasets representing wildlife occurrence and <br /> movement. <br /> 2)A Technical Report summarizing the outcomes of the Phase I and II data <br /> collection and summarization. <br /> 4 <br />