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RES 221266
City of Pleasanton
RES 221266
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1/20/2022 10:11:28 AM
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(b)The resolution adopted pursuant to subdivision(a)shall generally describe the proposed improvements <br /> specified in the resolution of formation adopted pursuant to Section 36625, set forth the estimated cost of <br /> those improvements,specify the number of annual installments and the fiscal years during which they are to <br /> be collected.The amount of debt service to retire the bonds shall not exceed the amount of revenue estimated <br /> to be raised from assessments over 30 years. <br /> (c)Notwithstanding any other provision of this part,assessments levied to pay the principal and interest on <br /> any bond issued pursuant to this section shall not be reduced or terminated if doing so would interfere with <br /> the timely retirement of the debt. <br /> CHAPTER 4.Governance <br /> 36650.Report by owners'association; Approval or modification by city council <br /> (a)The owners' association shall cause to be prepared a report for each fiscal year,except the first year,for <br /> which assessments are to be levied and collected to pay the costs of the improvements, maintenance, and <br /> activities described in the report. The owners' association's first report shall be due after the first year of <br /> operation of the district.The report may propose changes,including,but not limited to,the boundaries of the <br /> property and business improvement district or any benefit zones within the district,the basis and method of <br /> levying the assessments, and any changes in the classification of property, including any categories of <br /> business,if a classification is used. <br /> (b)The report shall be filed with the clerk and shall refer to the property and business improvement district <br /> by name,specify the fiscal year to which the report applies,and,with respect to that fiscal year,shall contain <br /> all of the following information: <br /> (1)Any proposed changes in the boundaries of the property and business improvement district or in <br /> any benefit zones or classification of property or businesses within the district. <br /> (2)The improvements,maintenance,and activities to be provided for that fiscal year. <br /> (3)An estimate of the cost of providing the improvements,maintenance,and activities for that fiscal <br /> year. <br /> (4)The method and basis of levying the assessment in sufficient detail to allow each real property <br /> or business owner,as appropriate,to estimate the amount of the assessment to be levied against his <br /> or her property or business for that fiscal year. <br /> (5)The estimated amount of any surplus or deficit revenues to be carried over from a previous fiscal <br /> year. <br /> (6)The estimated amount of any contributions to be made from sources other than assessments <br /> levied pursuant to this part. <br /> (c)The cityycouncil may approve the report as filed by the owners'association or may modify any particular <br /> contained in the report and approve it as modified. Any modification shall be made pursuant to Sections <br /> 36635 and 36636. <br /> The city council shall not approve a change in the basis and method of levying assessments that would impair <br /> an authorized or executed contract to be paid from the revenues derived from the levy of assessments, <br /> including any commitment to pay principal and interest on any bonds issued on behalf of the district. <br /> 36651.Designation of owners'association to provide improvements,maintenance,and activities <br /> The management district plan may, but is not required to, state that an owners' association will provide the <br /> improvements,maintenance,and activities described in the management district plan.If the management district plan <br /> designates an owners'association,the city shall contract with the designated nonprofit corporation to provide services. <br /> CHAPTER 5.Renewal <br /> 36660.Renewal of district;Transfer or refund of remaining revenues;District term limit <br /> (a)Any district previously established whose term has expired,or will expire,may be renewed by following <br /> the procedures for establishment as provided in this chapter. <br /> (b)Upon renewal, any remaining revenues derived from the levy of assessments, or any revenues derived <br /> from the sale of assets acquired with the revenues,shall be transferred to the renewed district.If the renewed <br /> district includes additional parcels or businesses not included in the prior district, the remaining revenues <br /> TVTMD Management District Plan �® VISIT 25 <br /> October 19,2021 'Nesi,VA i <br /> V416Add. <br /> california <br />
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