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RES 221266
City of Pleasanton
RES 221266
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1/20/2022 10:11:31 AM
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1/20/2022 10:11:28 AM
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of supervisors of that county.A city may not form a district within the territorial jurisdiction of another city without <br /> the consent of the city council of the other city. <br /> 36621.Initiation of proceedings;Petition of property or business owners in proposed district <br /> (a)Upon the submission of a written petition, signed by the property or business owners in the proposed <br /> district who will pay more than 50 percent of the assessments proposed to be levied,the city council may <br /> initiate proceedings to form a district by the adoption of a resolution expressing its intention to form a district. <br /> The amount of assessment attributable to property or a business owned by the same property or business <br /> owner that is in excess of 40 percent of the amount of all assessments proposed to be levied, shall not be <br /> included in determining whether the petition is signed by property owners who will pay more <br /> than 50 percent of the total amount of assessments proposed to be levied. <br /> (b)The petition of property or business owners required under subdivision(a) shall include a summary of <br /> the management district plan.That summary shall include all of the following: <br /> (1)A map showing the boundaries of the district. <br /> (2)Information specifying where the complete management district plan can be obtained. <br /> (3)Information specifying that the complete management district plan shall be furnished upon <br /> request. <br /> (c)The resolution of intentiondescribed in subdivision(a)shall contain all of the following: <br /> (1)A brief description of the proposed improvements, maintenance, and activities,the amount of <br /> the proposed assessment, a statement as to whether the assessment will be levied on property or <br /> businesses within the district, a statement as to whether bonds will be issued,and a description of <br /> the exterior boundaries of the proposed district,which may be made by reference to any plan or map <br /> that is on file with the clerk.The descriptions and statements do not need to be detailed and shall be <br /> sufficient if they enable an owner to generally identify the nature and extent of the improvements, <br /> maintenance,and activities,and the location and extent of the proposed district. <br /> (2)A time and place for a public hearing on the establishment of the property and business <br /> improvement district and the levy of assessments,which shall be consistent with the requirements <br /> of Section 36623. <br /> 36622.Contents of management district plan <br /> The management district plan shall include,but is not limited to,all of the following: <br /> (a)If the assessment will be levied on property,a map of the district in sufficient detail to locate each parcel <br /> of property and,if businesses are to be assessed,each business within the district.If the assessment will be <br /> levied on businesses,a map that identifies the district boundaries in sufficient detail to allow a business owner <br /> to reasonably determine whether a business is located within the district boundaries. If the assessment will <br /> be levied on property and businesses,a map of the district in sufficient detail to locate each parcel of property <br /> and to allow a business owner to reasonably determine whether a business is located within the district <br /> boundaries. <br /> (b)The name of the proposed district. <br /> (c)A description of the boundaries of the district, including the boundaries of benefit zones,proposed for <br /> establishment or extension in a manner sufficient to identify the affected property and businesses included, <br /> which may be made by reference to any plan or map that is on file with the clerk. The boundaries of a <br /> proposed property assessment district shall not overlap with the boundaries of another existing property <br /> assessment district created pursuant to this part.This part does not prohibit the boundaries of a district created <br /> pursuant to this part to overlap with other assessment districts established pursuant to other provisions of law, <br /> including,but not limited to,the Parking and Business Improvement Area Law of 1989(Part 6(commencing <br /> with Section 36500)). This part does not prohibit the boundaries of a business assessment district created <br /> pursuant to this part to overlap with another business assessment district created pursuant to this part.This <br /> part does not prohibit the boundaries of a business assessment district created pursuant to this part to overlap <br /> with a property assessment district created pursuant to this part. <br /> (d)The improvements,maintenance,and activities proposed for each year of operation of the district and the <br /> maximum cost thereof.If the improvements,maintenance,and activities proposed for each year of operation <br /> are the same, a description of the first year's proposed improvements, maintenance, and activities and a <br /> statement that the same improvements,maintenance,and activities are proposed for subsequent years shall <br /> satisfy the requirements of this subdivision. <br /> TVTMD Management District Plan 16,4 VISIT 20 <br /> October 19,2021 Nik-S <br /> S% <br /> california <br />
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