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Attachment 1 <br /> 2 1 - 0 0 1 6 Arndt#1, <br /> SECTION I. The people of the State of California find and declare all of the following: <br /> (a) Che circumstances and environmental impacts of local land use decisions vary greatly <br /> across the state from locality to locality. <br /> (b) 1 he infrastructure required to maintain appropriate levels of public services, including <br /> police and fire services. parklands and public open spaces. transportation. water supply. <br /> schools. and sewers varies greatly across the state from locality to locality. <br /> (c) Land use decisions made by local officials must balance development with public <br /> facilities and services while addressing the economic, environmental, and social needs of the <br /> particular communities served by those local officials. <br /> (d) Thus, it is in the best interests of the state and local communities for these complex <br /> decisions to be made at the local level to ensure that the specific, unique characteristics. <br /> constraints, and needs of those communities are properly analyzed and addressed. <br /> (e) Gentrification of housing adjacent to public transportation will reduce or eliminate the <br /> availability of low or very low income housing near public transit, resulting in the loss of <br /> access by low or very low income persons to public transit, declines in public transit <br /> ridership, and increases in vehicle miles travelled. <br /> (0 The State Legislature cannot properly assess the impacts upon each community of sweeping <br /> centralized and rigid state land use rules and zoning regulations that apply across the state <br /> without regard to community impacts and, as a result. statewide land use and zoning will do <br /> great harm to local communities with differing circumstances and concerns. <br /> (g) Community development should not be controlled by state planners. but by local <br /> governments that know and can address the needs of, and the impacts upon, local communities. <br /> Local initiatives approved by voters pertaining to land use and zoning restrictions should not be <br /> nullified or superseded by the actions of any local or state legislative body. <br /> (h) Numerous state laws that target communities for elimination of zoning standards have been <br /> enacted, and continue to be proposed, that eliminate or erode local control over local <br /> development and circumvent the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA-), creating the <br /> potential for harmful environmental impacts to occur. <br /> (i) The purpose of this measure is to ensure that all decisions regarding local land use controls, <br /> including zoning law and regulations, are made by the affected communities in accordance with <br /> applicable law. including but not limited to CEQA (Public Resources Code § 21000 et seq.), the <br /> California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code tiff 12900 - 12996), <br /> prohibitions against discrimination (Government Code § 65008). and affirmatively furthering <br /> fair housing(Government Code § 8899.50). This constitutional amendment would continue to <br /> provide for state control in the coastal zone, the siting of a power plant that can generate more <br /> than 50 megawatts of electricity. or the development or construction of water. communication or <br /> transportation infrastructure projects which the Legislature declares are matters of statewide <br /> concern and are in the best interests of the state. For purposes of this measure, it is the intent that <br /> a transportation infrastructure project shall not include a transit-oriented development project <br /> that is residential, commercial. or mixed-use. <br />