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Attachment 3 <br /> November 1, 2021 <br /> Initiative 21-0016 (Amdt. 1) <br /> The Attorney General of California has prepared the following title and summary of the chief <br /> purpose and points of the proposed measure: <br /> PROVIDES THAT LOCAL LAND-USE AND ZONING LAWS OVERRIDE <br /> CONFLICTING STATE LAWS. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. <br /> Provides that city and county land-use and zoning laws (including local housing laws) override <br /> all conflicting state laws, except in certain circumstances related to three areas of statewide <br /> concern: (1)the California Coastal Act of 1976; (2) siting of power plants; or(3) development of <br /> water, communication, or transportation infrastructure projects. Prevents state legislature and <br /> local legislative bodies from passing laws invalidating voter-approved local land-use or zoning <br /> initiatives. Prohibits state from changing, granting, or denying funding to local governments <br /> based on their implementation of this measure. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and <br /> Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: Fiscal effects of the <br /> measure depend on future decisions by the cities and counties and therefore are unknown. <br /> (21-0016A1.) <br />