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Hon. Rob Bonta 2 October 15,2021 <br /> authority to act locally as local actions must be consistent with state law. Of California's 58 counties, <br /> 14 currently are charter counties. Of California's 482 cities, 121 are charter cities. <br /> Zoning,Land Use, and Housing. Both general law and charter cities and counties in California <br /> make most decisions about when, where, and what type of housing will be built. Cities and counties <br /> enact zoning ordinances to set property-specific land use requirements. A community's zoning <br /> ordinance typically defines how each property can be used and its form. Use dictates the category of <br /> development that is permitted on the property—such as single-family residential,multifamily <br /> residential, or commercial. Form dictates building height and width,the share of land covered by <br /> buildings,and the distance of buildings from neighboring properties and roads.Rules about use and <br /> form effectively determine how many housing units can be built on a particular site. A site with <br /> one- or two-story height limits and requirements for large distances from surrounding properties <br /> typically can accommodate only single-family homes. Conversely, a site with height limits over <br /> 100 feet and relatively smaller required distances between properties can accommodate <br /> higher-density housing such as multistory apartments. By dictating how many sites housing can be <br /> built on and at what densities,zoning controls how much housing a community can accommodate. <br /> State has Special Jurisdiction Over Land Use Decisions in Areas of Statewide Concern. <br /> Currently,the local affairs rule does not prohibit the state from regulating zoning or land use when <br /> necessary to address a statewide concern.For example, state law requires cities and counties to carry <br /> out certain planning exercises that attempt to ensure they can accommodate needed home building.In <br /> addition, recent housing legislation requires, in some limited cases, local governments to streamline <br /> housing approvals and build more dense housing.This legislation declares that ensuring access to <br /> affordable housing is a matter of statewide concern and not a local affair. In recent years,the state <br /> increasingly has seen issues of zoning and land use as matters of statewide concern.Nevertheless, <br /> local governments retain significant control over zoning, land use, and housing. <br /> Proposal <br /> Specifies Local Laws Related to Zoning or Land Use Generally Prevail Over Conflicting State <br /> Laws. This measure would amend the California Constitution to specify that actions by a charter city <br /> or county related to zoning,development, or land use—hereafter referred to as local laws—would be <br /> a local affair and prevail over conflicting state laws.The measure also specifies that zoning and land <br /> use laws in general law cities and counties would prevail over conflicting state general law. <br /> Consequently, under the measure, local laws that currently conflict with state law generally would <br /> become enforceable. Moreover, local initiatives related to zoning or land use not only would prevail <br /> over laws passed by local governing bodies but also state law. While the state could continue to enact <br /> legislation related to local zoning and land use,rather than follow state law,cities and counties could <br /> enact conflicting laws. These local laws generally would prevail over state law. <br /> Identifies Areas of Statewide Concern Where State Law Could Continue to Prevail. The <br /> measure identifies certain areas in which courts could determine whether state laws could continue to <br /> prevail over local laws.This authority extends to zoning or land use in: (I)the coastal zone;(2)the <br /> siting of a power plant that can generate more than 50 megawatts of electricity; or(3)the <br /> development of water, communications,or transportation infrastructure projects that the state <br /> declares are matters of statewide concern. These same exemptions apply to general law cities and <br /> counties,although no court ruling is necessary. <br />
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