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CCMIN 10052021
City of Pleasanton
2020 - PRESENT
CCMIN 10052021
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Assistant Director Crose clarified staff's recommendation is to have the lights operate until 10:00 p.m. <br /> Staff will bring more information on project costs and restroom options when the City Council hears the <br /> final designs in January, including the restroom options. <br /> Mayor Brown recessed the meeting at 9:53 p.m. and resumed the meeting at 9:59 p.m. <br /> 17. Review of conceptual designs for the All-Abilities Playground at Ken Mercer Sports Park <br /> Assistant Director Crose provided a brief overview of the location and noted the City is looking to <br /> expand the playground area and use the entire grass area for the project. She reported seven <br /> stakeholder meetings were held with the Chamber of Commerce, PUSD Special Needs Committee, <br /> Pleasanton North Rotary Club, Friends of the Senior Center, Sunflower Hill, and the Park and <br /> Recreation Commission. <br /> Gina Chavez, RRM Design Group, reported they asked the Pleasanton Community residents what <br /> features were important for them at the All-Abilities Park. She provided a brief overview of the project <br /> site and noted not all of the areas would be play space. She advised it would also be made up of picnic <br /> areas, open lawn areas, and walking paths. <br /> Ms. Chavez presented a rendering of the first concept named Pleasanton's Rise Playground and <br /> explained the idea behind the concept is to encourage each individual to rise to their unique potential <br /> as well as to uplift others. Many elements are related to rising up such as sky elements including the <br /> sun and the clouds. She highlighted an area called Rainbow Road which has musical instruments that <br /> line the rainbow with a spinner rocking zone on the left and a fitness group area on the right. The active <br /> space has a large net climber and basketball area in a crescent shape with various sized hoops and <br /> different backboard configurations so people of all abilities can play together. There is a walking loop <br /> that goes all the way around. <br /> The second concept named the Pride of Pleasanton is more organic and nature-based to blends with <br /> the setting of the park. The play features in this concept are more spread out. The picnic area will <br /> include intergenerational game tables underneath the sycamore trees. It is envisioned as an open-air <br /> structure so there could be picnic space on one side and a performance event area on the other. There <br /> is an activity zone for older kids, young adults, and teenagers, a challenger obstacle course, bank shot <br /> basketball, and walking loops throughout. Seating areas will be integrated throughout the space along <br /> with play equipment that is accessible for all people. <br /> Ms. Chavez noted there are common elements in both concepts including picnic, fitness, sensory play, <br /> and the inclusion of elements drawn from the inspiration of Pleasanton. Community feedback requested <br /> lots of picnic space, walking areas, music, public art, climbing, and different types of swings. <br /> Assistant Director Crose reported the next step is to bring the final design to the Park and Recreation <br /> Commission and bring the recommendation back to the City Council. <br /> Councilmember Arkin expressed support for the item and noted she was leaning towards Pleasanton <br /> Rise as it is more unique and has more opportunities for activity. She expressed concern regarding the <br /> practicality and durability of the bird concept and believes it should be further explored. She stressed <br /> the importance of shade, preserving trees, parking, and seating for parents supervising children near <br /> the play area. She noted the quiet area is also very important for children who have noise sensitivities. <br /> She expressed support for activities for older children and fitness zones. <br /> Councilmember Testa expressed support for the item and prefers Pleasanton Rise although she would <br /> like to see the bird reflected as more whimsical instead of the bald eagle. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 10 of 12 October 5, 2021 <br />
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