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Final Scoring Criteria for 6th Cycle (2023‐2031) Housing Element Update Sites Selection Adopted September 21, 2021Site NameLesterStoneridge Shopping Center PUSD - DonlonOwens SitesLaborer CouncilSignature CenterHacienda TerraceMuslim Community CenterMetro 580ValleyCareOld Santa RitaPimlico NorthPimlico SouthSt. Elizabeth SetonRheem DriveTri-Valley InnMission PlazaValley PlazaBlack AvenueBoulderKiewitMerrittSunol SitesSonoma DrivePUSD - DistrictSt. AugustinePUSD - VineyardSteelWaveSite Number12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728High Density SitesLow / Medium Density Sites3. Proximity to Services and Amenitiesa. Site is within ½ mile of an existing or approved grocery store0011110001111001111000111000b. Site is within ½ mile of an existing elementary school. 0010000001110111111110111100c. Site is within ½ mile of an existing middle school. 0000011100000001111000111000d. Site is within 1 mile of an existing high school.0010000000000011111111111000e. Site is not within the enrollment area of a school with insufficient current or projected capacity, as determined by Pleasanton Unified School District based on current demographic and other studies.0000000000000110000000111100f. Site is within ½ mile of an existing public park or open space area as identified in the General Plan or a planned improvement in the City’s Capital Improvement Program.0110111111111111111111111110Section 3 Subtotal:01412322133323455553326663104. Environmental Impacts/Impact on Future Residentsa. Site would not expose future residents to odor impacts from any existing or known future source. 1110001111111111111001111100b. The project is anticipated to meet noise standards with no or with reasonable mitigation measures. (If adjacent to or across the street from freeway or rail line = 0)0010001100000111111001111110c. Site is not within BAAQMD’s air quality screening distance for new sensitive receptors.0010000000000000000000000000d. Site is within the standard response time for emergency services as identified by the General Plan. 1111111111111111111111111111e. The site is outside of the following natural hazard areas (0 or 1 point for each)ꞏ Site is not within Alquist Priolo zone or fault zone as identified in the General Plan.0111111111111111111110111111ꞏ Site is not within earthquake induced landslide zone as identified in the General Plan.0111111111111111111110111111ꞏ Site is not within a Special Fire Protection Area as identified in the General Plan.1111111111111111111110111111ꞏ Site is not within a 100-year Flood Zone.1111111111111111111110111111f. Site is located outside of the Airport Influence Area as identified in the General Plan. 1111111111100111111101111110Section 4 Subtotal:5796668877766888888654888875Version 2 –November 9, 2021, Initially Published for the Housing Commission Hearing on November 18, 2021