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Bill <br />Topic <br />Summary <br />Number <br />standards and practices: (1) that prior to the adoption of an <br />associated development fee, an impact fee nexus study be <br />adopted, (2) that the study identify the existing level of <br />service for each public facility, identify the proposed new <br />level of service, and include an explanation of why the new <br />level of service is necessary, and (3) if the study is adopted <br />after July 1, 2022, either calculate a fee levied or imposed <br />on a housing development project proportionately to the <br />square footage of the proposed units, or make specified <br />findings explaining why square footage is not an <br />appropriate metric to calculate the fees. <br />AB 787 <br />Affordable <br />This bill authorizes a planning agency to include in its <br />(Gabriel) <br />Housing <br />annual report, for up to 25% of a jurisdiction's moderate - <br />Production/ <br />income regional housing need allocation, the number of <br />RHNA <br />units in an existing multifamily building that were converted <br />to deed -restricted rental housing for moderate income <br />households by the imposition of affordability covenants and <br />restrictions for the unit, as specified. <br />SB 8 <br />Housing Crisis <br />This bill amends the Housing Crisis Act by clarifying the <br />(Skinner) <br />Act <br />definition of "housing development project" to include <br />projects that involve no discretionary approvals, projects <br />that involve both discretionary and nondiscretionary <br />approvals, and projects that include a proposal to construct <br />a single dwelling unit. SB 8 also extends the sunset date of <br />SB 330 by five years and it will now remain in effect until <br />January 1, 2030. <br />SB 9 <br />Housing <br />Allows ministerial approval of two units on SFR parcels, <br />(Atkins) <br />Streamlining <br />and "urban lot splits" in SFR zones <br />SB10 <br />Housing <br />This bill authorizes a local government to adopt an <br />(Wiener) <br />Streamlining <br />ordinance to zone any parcel for up to 10 units of <br />residential density per parcel, at a height specified in the <br />ordinance, if the parcel is located in a transit -rich area or an <br />urban infill site, as those terms are defined. The bill <br />prohibits a local government from adopting an ordinance <br />pursuant to these provisions on or after January 1, 2029. <br />The bill specifies that an ordinance adopted under these <br />provisions, and any resolution to amend the jurisdiction's <br />General Plan, ordinance, or other local regulation adopted <br />to be consistent with that ordinance, is not a project for <br />purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act. The <br />bill prohibits an ordinance adopted under these provisions <br />from superseding a local restriction enacted or approved by <br />a local initiative that designates publicly owned land as <br />open -space land or for park or recreational purposes. <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />