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CURRENT INVESTMENT STRATEGY: <br />The effective rate of return on the portfolio has stayed the same at 1.32 percent <br />from last quarter and decreased by 0.42 percent from 1.74 percent reported at the <br />same time last year. Since the beginning of the pandemic, as the Federal Reserve <br />continued lowering interest rate, a majority of City's federal agency callable <br />investments has been called and replaced with lower yield investments. As of <br />September 30, 2021, yields from federal agency callable bonds in City's portfolio <br />ranged from 0.550 to 1.790 percent while the U.S. 5 -year treasury note yields 0.967 <br />percent and the U.S. 10 -year treasury note yields 1.487 percent. However, with <br />recent data showing signs of higher and longer -lasting inflation, yield is getting <br />higher. Staff expects that yield continues increasing until the end of December and <br />Agencies are less likely to call the current bonds in City portfolio. <br />Staff monitors closely to identify cash available for investment and continues to <br />invest in longer-term securities to secure a higher interest rate, while matching <br />maturities with future cash needs. Additionally, staff is balancing the portfolio's credit <br />exposure to pick up incremental yields while complying with the City's investment <br />policy's mandate of safety, liquidity, and yield. Staff will continuously monitor this <br />strategy during the fiscal year. <br />Section 115 Trust Fund <br />In June 2018, the City Council approved the investment of $28 million of various <br />reserves into a Section 115 Trust Fund to help smooth the pension liabilities which <br />are expected to grow considerably due to the reduction in the CALPERS discount rate <br />from 7.5 percent to 7 percent. The investment is made into two separate portfolios, <br />the first one for $6.7 million into a Conservative portfolio which is available to pay the <br />annual unfunded liabilities if necessary. <br />In February 2020, Finance staff were authorized to deposit to and withdraw from the <br />Conservative portfolio an additional amount up to the total annual required <br />CaIPERS payment. In March and June 2020, two additional $5 million contributions <br />were deposited to the Conservative portfolio for a total of $16.7 million deposited <br />into the Conservative portfolio. <br />